therobdikshunerry has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 2 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.

Comments by therobdikshunerry

  • wunzif iz uh werd mayd upp biy mie lay-z bruthr spelyng bie TheRobDikshunerry. itsa crunchup of 'WHAt happeNS IF' azzin,

    "wunzif thuh plannit's eekolojikal sistemm DUZZN'T kil thuh hyoomin rayse inna hunnerd yeerz?"


    July 18, 2009

  • its justa smashup of horrid and horrible.

    "DAMM. sittin in a playn kareening tord that mowntin ... this iz HORRidble."

    July 18, 2009

Comments for therobdikshunerry

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