Comments by alexhumez

  • Appears in Vizetelly, Frank H., A Dictionary of Simplified Spelling (New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1915)—he suggests removing the h—and is a borrowing of Greek τοιχογραφία ‘a writing or painting on a wall.’

    June 14, 2010

  • My edition of the Century Dictionary doesn't have an entry for sideronym.

    May 31, 2010

  • The Century Dictionary glosses chironym as "A manuscript-name of an animal or of a plant; an unpublished name" and gives a reference to Coues, The Awk, I. 321. Coues is presumably Elliot Coues in a review of whose Coues Checklist of North American Birds in The Dial (Nov., 1882) he is quoted as follows (in what we may take as an example of a chironym): “Though the Great Awk is extinct in North America, and has doubtless disappeared from the face of the earth, we still keep the place in memoriam of this ‘most honorable and ancient fowle.’”

    May 25, 2010