andrewchang22 has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for andrewchang22
"crocheted water bottles" ! Chapeau, bilby!
Thanks for sharing, andrew. I am *involved* with mr dontcry, a manuscript I may or may not finish reading, a 2006 Shiraz, and half a turkey & Swiss on a nice whole grain roll.
Later I'll be involved with, again, mr dontcry, (goes without saying, really) my heavenly bed, a down quilt, the remote, and possibly a quick peek at my book club book.
Look yourself in the mirror and say, "I am involved with SPAM. My testicles are the size of boiler peas (before soaking). My father was a one-eyed sewer rat and my mother waved her knickers over her head like a flag of surrender. I struggle to drive a pedal car downhill with a cyclone behind me. I eat take-away from McGarbageBins and have a collection of my toenail cuttings since age 11 (my first clippers, embossed with the red Power Ranger). In the real world I am a failure of even greater magnitude than freeways and crocheted water bottles.
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Comments by andrewchang22
andrewchang22 commented on the user andrewchang22
I am involved with Davao classifieds - Fremont condo homes - Fremont foreclosures
March 3, 2010