Arne commented on the word Vacacocha
slightly off, askew, a smidgen incorrect.
"I only stretched the right side of my body. Now I'm all wonky."
May 15, 2009
Arne commented on the word Prosodic
Askew, messed up, slightly off. "The Rock dropped The People's Elbow on me, and now my spine is all caddywhompus"
arne's Comments
Comments by arne
Arne commented on the word Vacacocha
slightly off, askew, a smidgen incorrect.
"I only stretched the right side of my body. Now I'm all wonky."
May 15, 2009
Arne commented on the word Prosodic
Askew, messed up, slightly off. "The Rock dropped The People's Elbow on me, and now my spine is all caddywhompus"
May 15, 2009