blueskies commented on the word shtickomythia
C. W. Marshall. The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy. Cambridge University Press, 2006,pg 193. A theory of collaborative composition invoking the lazzi of commedia dell’arte and the shtick of vaudeville to suggest how Plautus’s plays were put together.
A theory of collaborative composition invoking the lazzi of commedia dell’arte and the shtick of vaudeville to suggest how Plautus’s plays were put together.
Amy Richlin The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy (review) American Journal of Philology Volume 129, Number 1 (Whole Number 513), Spring 2008
November 28, 2009
blueskies's Comments
Comments by blueskies
blueskies commented on the word shtickomythia
C. W. Marshall. The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy. Cambridge University Press, 2006,pg 193.
A theory of collaborative composition invoking the lazzi of commedia dell’arte and the shtick of vaudeville to suggest how Plautus’s plays were put together.
Amy Richlin The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy (review) American Journal of Philology Volume 129, Number 1 (Whole Number 513), Spring 2008
November 28, 2009