bstefik commented on the word kiff
To Kiff means to organize and share.
The internet has an awesome amount of data, We need to kiff it.
He kiffed the box of photos for the family.
July 20, 2009
bstefik commented on the word mangiare
Mangiare means to eat in Italian
Ho Bisogno di mangiare qualcosa
July 7, 2009
bstefik's Comments
Comments by bstefik
bstefik commented on the word kiff
To Kiff means to organize and share.
The internet has an awesome amount of data, We need to kiff it.
He kiffed the box of photos for the family.
July 20, 2009
bstefik commented on the word mangiare
Mangiare means to eat in Italian
Ho Bisogno di mangiare qualcosa
July 7, 2009