from J, the Jewish Weekly of Norther California' 11/25/11: " meet the rebbetzers; husbands of female rabbis find the role challenging, fun. " " Roger Staley wasn't sure what to call himself...finally he chose "rebbetzer""
Wikipedia: The word mu is central to the following well-known Zen Buddhist koan, which is also known as the Mu koan1:
A monk asked Zhaozhou Congshen, a Chinese Zen master (known as Jōshū in Japanese), "Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?" Zhaozhou answered, "Wú" (in Japanese, Mu)
—The Gateless Gate, koan 1, translation by Robert Aitken 5
In my family "mu" means "none of the above" or "no answer is the only right answer", for example to the question "have you stopped beating your wife?" "Mu."
Comments by bwdavid
BWDavid commented on the word rebbetzers
from J, the Jewish Weekly of Norther California' 11/25/11: " meet the rebbetzers; husbands of female rabbis find the role challenging, fun. " " Roger Staley wasn't sure what to call himself...finally he chose "rebbetzer""
December 1, 2011
BWDavid commented on the word kaffir
1. a kind of corn (afrikaans)
2. a Black person, now a racial epithet (British and afrikaans)
3. Disbeliever in Allah; non-Muslim (Arabic).
November 21, 2011
BWDavid commented on the word agunah
A woman abandoned but not divorced, and unable to remarry (a legal term in Jewish law). Hebrew, literally "chained."
November 21, 2011
BWDavid commented on the word mu
Wikipedia: The word mu is central to the following well-known Zen Buddhist koan, which is also known as the Mu koan1:
A monk asked Zhaozhou Congshen, a Chinese Zen master (known as Jōshū in Japanese), "Has a dog Buddha-nature or not?" Zhaozhou answered, "Wú" (in Japanese, Mu)
—The Gateless Gate, koan 1, translation by Robert Aitken 5
In my family "mu" means "none of the above" or "no answer is the only right answer", for example to the question "have you stopped beating your wife?" "Mu."
November 21, 2011