celeb8video has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for celeb8video
Ewww, celebrity fetish.
You are disgusting.
Elementary school teacher on-the-job trainee who loves to learn about kids behavior,specially those who bullies other kids. I would proceed on studying why kids become bullies and learn how to correct their ways. Other than that, I love to read horror stories,play with my cats and jog around my neighborhood everyday - even on wintery days.
Comments by celeb8video
celeb8video commented on the user celeb8video
Elementary school teacher on-the-job trainee who loves to learn about kids behavior,specially those who bullies other kids. I would proceed on studying why kids become bullies and learn how to correct their ways. Other than that, I love to read horror stories,play with my cats and jog around my neighborhood everyday - even on wintery days.
anne hathaway hollywood scenes
October 7, 2010