Favorite Lists
- chromatica
- Words That Populate My Mind
- Literary Coinage
- Flora and fauna in foreign languages
- The weird, the wonderful and the plain hilarious
- Not Quite As Awful As They Sound
- Worse Than They Sound
- Weather: Those Aren't Cats and Dogs!
- They Roll Off The Tongue
- They Stumble Off The Tongue
- • De rerum natura
- Oligosemantonyms
- Fictional beasties
- Band Names
- Words that are also movies
- Way to go Ohio
- romanichal
- Chromonyms
- Chromonyms 2
- Archaic Colours
- words that just sound funny
- Aarne-Thompson classification system for folktales
- Colbert Report Neologisms
- It Has a Name??
- Under The Kilt
- The Emotinomicon
- Foreign Words that should be English Ones
- Slings and Arrows: Shakespearean Insults
- Words with unusual spellings or pronunciations
- Descriptions of Sound
- Beastly adjectives
- Public List: Two by Fives
- Words that sound dirty but aren't.
- Trees!
- You're a SUPER Hero!
- limited use but wonderful anyway
- Archaic
- Q without the U
- A Second Helping of Random Palavery
- A Serving of Random Palavery
- memespeak
- I am : moving
- Great Character Names
- Below the Belt
- Apples to Apples: Red Cards
- Apples to Apples: Green Cards
- Notably Unique
- Correctly-spelled words that look like misspellings of other words
- Trump that synonym!
- You know like ____'s work.
- Artfully Eponymous Adjectives
- INTERP - addressing the audience
- Tolkien's archaisms
- Curses!
- Here Be Monsters
- Gesundheit!
- Doo Daah, Doo Daah
- •Open List: Be Vewwy, Vewwy Quiet....
- Hats Off!
- Walk This Way
- For Pete's Sake
- Scrabble Names
- Torture
- Not Quite The Real Thang
- EN - funny (single) words
- ~~Olde-Fashioned Insults~~
- Nincompoopery
- Silly-sounding words
- Clouds
- Words Which Bring to Mind the Bush Administration
- Bad Mood
- Aeolus's Vocabulary
- Of sounds and voices
- song & sound
- Manners of Moving
- movement (fast)
- Seriously? No, not really.
- If she's a lady, I'm a Vermicious Knid
- I made this!
- Dogs in Myth
- You Don't Say
- When I'm in Holland I eat the pannenkoeken