A word doesn't have to be long or fancy to be wonderful. Covet is a great word. It rolls off the tongue with wonderful ease and has an enticing and vaguely puerile sound to it.
I thought I had no life.... Wow! I've been laughing for five minutes. Great list idea. Very frightening subject matter. However, I think you've inspired me to start my own list: "Pointless Hobbies & Other Things that Will Kill Your Social Life." ;)
Comments by esotericwench
esotericwench commented on the word स�?नेहभोजन
Very interesting. Saw the tweet about this word. What does it mean? That's Sanskrit right?
November 27, 2008
esotericwench commented on the word slugabed
This word has such a great sound to it!
August 17, 2008
esotericwench commented on the user livewiresc
Miscreants is a great word!
August 10, 2008
esotericwench commented on the user thricedotted
What a great wordie.org handle you have. I've been saying it all day long.
August 7, 2008
esotericwench commented on the word covet
A word doesn't have to be long or fancy to be wonderful. Covet is a great word. It rolls off the tongue with wonderful ease and has an enticing and vaguely puerile sound to it.
August 7, 2008
esotericwench commented on the word challegenda
This is a corporate buzz word waiting to happen!
August 2, 2008
esotericwench commented on the list my-little-ponies
I thought I had no life.... Wow! I've been laughing for five minutes. Great list idea. Very frightening subject matter. However, I think you've inspired me to start my own list: "Pointless Hobbies & Other Things that Will Kill Your Social Life." ;)
August 2, 2008