Comments by filmdc

  • lol, awesome

    June 28, 2009

  • HooRah - marine battle cry, possibly Prussian in origin

    Hooah - army battle cry, also might be from the same origin...

    June 28, 2009

  • (adj) : of, related to, or composed of hadrons (from

    June 17, 2009

  • This term refers to a state of matter that is the opposite (or alternative) of hadronic - where hadronic is any normal state of matter where there are heavy particles, which are essentially groups of quarks. Subhadronic is apparently a phase of matter that inverts, leaving empty space and creating a lot of energy and heat (as in the collapsing of the center of a star).

    I've researched this, and found very little on the word. If anyone can add more or clarify exactly what Subhadronic means, I would love to learn about it!

    June 17, 2009