fuller33169 has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 4 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
fuller33169 has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 4 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments by fuller33169
fuller33169 commented on the word vigegenarian
This is an alternative for 'Vicenarian, a person who is 20 to 29 years old'.
September 29, 2009
fuller33169 commented on the word decigenarian
This is a better alternative for 'denarian, a person who is 10 to 19 years old'.
September 29, 2009
fuller33169 commented on the word trigenarian
This is an alternative for 'tricenarian'.
September 29, 2009
fuller33169 commented on the word pedogenarian
A person who is in infancy to 10 years old. This is a combination of 'pedo' meaning child and 'gens' meaning people, and the suffix '-ian'.
The alternatives could be 'pedecenarian', 'pedonarian',and 'pedetenarian'. Or,these alternatives could be used to make a different meaning relating to children or children and age.
Example: She is the mother of three pedogenarians.
September 29, 2009