- brachy-, -brach
- idio-
- alex-, alexi-, alexo
- -phore
- clin-, -clinal, -cline
- eu-
- Gallo-
- -gram
- -mancy, -mantic
- -oma
- acro-
- -phil
- dorsi-, dorso-
- -logy, -ology, -logical, -logic
- cerebro-, cerebr-
- endo-, end-
- ichthyo-, ichthy-
- pedo-, ped-, paedo-
- pede-, ped-, -pede, -pedal, -pod, -pode, -podous, pod-
- -phyte
- -morph, -morphic, -morphism, morpho-
- -ont, ont-
- -ade
- -archy
- amphi-
- bathy-, batho-
- gyneco-
- myco-
- acar-, acari-, acarin-, acaro-
- circum-
- cine-
- hiero-, hier-
- -lytic, -lyte
- -meter, -metric, -metrical
- photo-, phot-
- centi-
- contra-
- iatro-, -iatry, -iatric
- -logist, -loger
- oleo-, ole-
- arch-
- bio-
- broncho-, bronch-
- carcino-
- -tion
- acet-, aceto-, acetyl-
- halo-, hal-
- hetero-, heter-
- mega-
- myo-, my-
- pleo-, pleio-, plio-
- calli-, cal-
- -cephalic, -cephalous, cephalo-
- -geny
- -an
- bi-
- cyber-
- Merriam Webster 2004 Word of the Year Top 10
- kineto-, kinet-, -kinesis
- -mycin
- -agogue
- chromato-, chromat-, chromo-
- ethno-
- hepato-, hepat-
- litho-, lith-, -lith, -lithic, -lite
- neuro-, neur-
- chrys-, chryso-
- cyano-, cyan-
- hydr-, hydro-
- hypno-, hypn-
- -onym, -onymous, -onymic
- penta-
- alveolo-
- anom-, anomo-
- -philia, -phily
- -biosis, -biotic
- cata-, cat-, kata-
- dermato, dermat-
- ecto-
- nano-
- -able
- back-
- embol-, emboli-, embolo-
- -ette
- -gnomy, -gnosia, -gnosis, -gnostic
- psycho-
- rhino-
- -ese
- radio-, radi-
- crino-, -crine
- -en
- -clud-, -clus-
- avia-, avio-
- duodec-, duodecim-, duoden-
- cyst-
- decresc-
- somato-
- olfacto-
- -tial
- theo-, the-
- ur-
- mult-, multi-
- medi-, medio-
- ob-
- toxi-, toxico-, toxo-, -toxic
- sanct-, sancti-
- syn-, sym-, syl-
- -lepsia
- onom-, onomato-
- -scrib-, -script-
- xylo-, xyl-
- zoo-
- -sect, -section
- -merge, -merse
- dict-
- -trix
- pro-
- rotundi-, rotundo-
- quin-
- -ment
- -opsis, opso-
- -mastia, masto-
- -mut-
- thermo-, -therm, -thermy
- -trophic
- supra-
- -ster
- Spices: How Exotic!
- agro-, agri-
- chlor-, chloro-
- cysto-, cyst-
- -facient
- -fuge
- -gony
- labio-
- -al
- ard-, ars-
- kerato-, kerat-, cerato-, cerat-
- -graphy
- pedo-
- astro-
- physio-, phys-
- ornitho-, ornith-
- oto-, ot-
- -ance
- -gamous, -gamy
- hyper-
- -phagous, -phage
- phono-, phon-, -phony
- New Oxford American - 2005 Word of the Year Finalists
- kilo-
- -merous
- allo-
- baro-, bar-, -baric
- -fic, -fication
- New Oxford American - 2006 Word of the Year Finalists
- lacto-, lact-
- mal-
- pan-
- -petal
- pneumato-
- chrono-, chron-
- -cide, -cidal
- ferro-, ferr-
- geo-, ge-
- hagio-, hagi-
- inter-
- -phasia
- philo-, phil-, -phile
- -emia, -aemia, -hemia, -haemia
- histo-, hist-
- holo-, hol-
- meta-, met-
- acou-, acoust-
- actino-
- paleo-, palaeo-
- exo-
- -meister
- oro-
- para-
- phyllo-, phyll-, -phyllous
- -latry
- asthen-, astheno
- archaeo-, archeo-
- -ferous, -iferous
- micro-, micr-
- neo-
- cortico-, cortic-
- -ann-, -enn-
- -ess
- arterio-
- -crat
- -genous
- macro-, macr-
- adip-, adipo
- para-, par-
- angio-
- epi-, ep-
- -later
- a-, ab-, abs-
- dia-, di-
- -gate
- Merriam Webster 2009 Word of the Year Top 10
- -ism
- mero-
- -opia
- -phone
- -blast
- centri-, centro-, -centric
- extra-, extro-
- dis-
- co-
- denti-, dento-
- geno-, gen-
- helio-
- dactyl-
- -ful
- sapro-, sapr-
- -bolic, bolo-, -boly
- dur-, duro-
- globi-, globo
- cilii-, cilio
- -forc-, -fort-
- -esque
- ex-
- -fac-, -fec-, -fic-
- folii-, folio-, -folious
- ptero-, -pter
- sclero-
- loco-
- -proof
- pulmo-, pulmoni-, pulmono
- -saur, sauro-, -saurus
- somn-
- mort-, morti-
- lateri-, latero-
- myria-
- -plasm, plasmo-
- Sino-
- topo-, top-
- prim-, primo-, primi
- laeo-, laevo-, levo-
- stereo-
- xero-, xer-
- sema-, -seme, semeio-, semio-
- nerv-, nervi-, nervo-
- -phthong
- tetra-
- xeno-, xen-
- -ibility, -ible, -ibly
- sono-
- -tome
- -ics
- uro-
- -some
- -ious
- mater-, matri-
- spiro-
- orect-, -orexia
- copro-
- cosmo-, cosm-
- gastr-, gastro-
- hemi-
- intro-
- melano-, melan-
- odonto-, -odon, -odont
- onco-
- panto-
- alectoro-, alectryo-
- -ectomy
- Merriam Webster 2003 Word of the Year Top 10
- icono-, icon-
- -lysis, lyso-, lys-
- naso-
- onto-, ont-
- -age
- alti-, alto
- atax-
- mis-
- antho-, -anth
- cyno-
- deca-, dec-
- Merriam Webster 2007 Word of the Year Top 10
- hemo-, haemato-, hemato-, haemo-
- homo-, hom-
- a-, an-
- pisci-, pisc-
- gymno-, gymn-
- iso-
- lipo-, lip-
- a-, ad-
- arthro-, arthr-
- -drome
- eco-
- encephalo-, encephal-
- pheno-, phen-, -phane
- -ar
- New Oxford American - 2007 Word of the Year Finalists
- adren-, adreno-
- -pathy
- per-
- -phobe
- auto-, aut-
- cryo-
- fluvio-
- -graph
- Merriam Webster 2005 Word of the Year Top 10
- oxy-, ox-
- Merriam Webster 2008 Word of the Year Top 10
- -ad
- chemi-, chemico-, chemo-
- -cratic
- deci-
- homeo-
- intra-
- -oid
- -acean, -aceous
- dys-
- chiro-, cheiro-
- hexa-, hex-
- ideo-
- infra-
- pneumo-, pneum-
- -cele, -coele, coel-, celo-
- New Oxford American - 2009 Word of the Year Finalists
- geront-, geronto-, gero-, ger-
- gyro-
- -opsy
- apo-
- dextro-
- New Oxford American - 2008 Word of the Year Finalists
- narco-
- oligo-, olig-
- -parous
- adeno-
- eury-
- -metry
- aer-, aeri-, aero
- -ard, -art
- -rrhea, -rrhoea, rheo-
- rhodo-, rhod-
- habil-
- retro-
- be-
- chondr-, chondrio-, chondro-
- quasi-
- -ate
- ergo-, -ergic, -ergy
- coit-
- deuter-, deuto-
- sclero-, -scler-
- -ine
- spiro-
- tacho-, tachy-
- over-
- -ship
- -uria
- septi-, septico-
- -hood
- nota-, noto-
- taxo-, taxi-, tax-
- hippo-, -hippus
- pauc-, pauci-
- -mnem-, -mnesia, -mnesis
- -scope, -scopic, scopo-, -scopy
- igni-
- post-
- -jact-, -jacula-, -ject-
- lacrim-, lacrimo-
- -tropic, trop-
- -pend-, -pens-
- sub- (suc-, suf-, etc.)
- sero-
- tauto-
- mono-
- strati-, strat-
- -plast, -plastic, plasto-
- trans-
- vermi-
- cupr-, cupro-
- arachn-, arachno-
- crypto-, crypt-
- American Dialect Society Word of the Year Winners
- Scripps National Spelling Bee Winners
- erythro-, erythr-
- acu-, acul-
- petro-, petr-
- -algia, -algy
- hepta-
- -monger
- -phagy
- -cracy
- meso-, mes-
- osteo-, oste-
- -path
- -ant
- ante-
- cranio-, crani-
- Animal Sounds
- milli-
- -genic
- leuko-, leuk-, leuco-
- megalo-, megal-
- necro-
- anti-
- phren-, -phrenia, -phrenic
- di-
- -grapher
- ambi-, ambo
- argent-, argenti-, argento-
- cyto-
- demi-
- -faction
- lepto-, lept-
- logo-
- -plasty, -plast, -plastic
- cardio-, cardi-, -cardia
- dendro-, dendr-, -dendron
- -graphic
- andro-, -andry, -androus
- -ary
- -cyte, cyt-
- entero-, enter-
- -nomy
- peri-
- clado-, clad-
- phylo-
- audio-, audi-
- biblio-
- caco-, cac-, kak-
- Surprising Noises
- Merriam Webster 2006 Word of the Year Top 10
- ligni-, ligno-, lign-
- oo-
- ovi-, ovo-
- ammonio-, ammono
- American Dialect Society Most Euphemistic Words
- adjut-, adjuv-
- anthropo-, -anthropic
- -phobia
- ana-, an-
- aqua-
- -fy
- glyco-, glyc-
- -gon
- -gynous, -gyne
- hypo-, hyp-
- -logue, -log
- ortho-, orth-
- phyto-
- auxano-, auxeto-, auxo
- de-
- -chorea, choreo-
- poly-
- counter-
- pseudo-, pseud-
- proto-, prot-
- pyro-, pyr-
- en-
- glosso-, -glot, glotto-
- -cess-, -ced-
- dyna-, dynamo
- -er
- -gen
- pre-, prae-
- -ery
- -stasis, -static
- urano-, uran-
- oculi-, oculo-
- out-
- -lexia, -lexis, -lexy
- -mania
- sesqui-
- -nik
- zygo-
- mammi-, mammo-
- semi-
- tele-, tel-
- ultra-
- -urgy, -urge
- -stat
- steno-
- super-, sur-
- -vorous, -vore
- quart-, quarter-, quarti
- schizo-, schiz-
- pomi-, pomo-
- -sion
- lingui-, linguo
- sarco-, sarc-
- socio-
- -sali-, salino-
- sangui-, sanguineo-, sanguino-
- vaso-, vas-
- pithec-, -pithecus
- quadr-
- under-
- Meat Parts: the Cuts, the Innards, and the Leftover Bits - Yum!
- -sphere, spherico-, sphero-
- -strict
- Pies: Just like Grandma Used to Make Them!
- -sperm
- silvi-
- solen-, soleno
- Herbs: How Fragrant, How Delicious
- tri-
- Noodles: Slurp 'em up!
- -tron
- Pasta! Pasta! Pasta!
- Cocktails: Drink Up. The Night is Young!
- -tonic
- spectro-
- Meats: For All the Carnivores out There
- Capitonyms, capitonyms
- techno-
- You've Got Guts
- Orphan Words
- x over
- x number
- x time
- x fever
- x disease
- x test
- x effect
- x cake
- x machine
- x car
- x ring
- x gas
- x iron
- x belt
- x acid
- x off
- x line
- x tree
- x oil
- x law
- x back
- x room
- x tube
- x party
- x plant
- x money
- x metal
- x court
- x card
- x circle
- x up
- x in
- x man
- x house
- x point
- x grass
- x paper
- x beetle
- x away
- x star
- x wave
- x water
- x into
- x suit
- x jacket
- x cap
- Sorry, your list was marked as spam
- x out
- x down
- x on
- x day
- x school
- x glass
- x box
- x system
- x cell
- x engine
- x board
- x wheel
- x table
- x light
- x gun
- x blue
- x about
- x mark
- x hand
- x through
- x dog
- x bank