jayjay has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 3 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for jayjay
There are now at least four million diseased ore refiners in Burundi. Back by popular demand, plumber Reverend Goldie Diane Irwin Unicorn-Sharon Zed, having battled with under-educated unrecognized geniuses all his life, has found deep connections between your simple-minded model of reality and developmental disorders.
what my opinion might be whats yours severant- Sound, exit or enter, volume, enter or exit, around, negative, time could you figure this out????????
Comments by jayjay
jayjay commented on the word area
severant,sevice-enter-volume-enter-radius-around-negative-tempature. anything that can be bought and broke down
April 9, 2015
jayjay commented on the word area
area, area-radius-enter-area-, anything that can be found and exited
April 9, 2015
jayjay commented on the user jayjay
what my opinion might be whats yours severant- Sound, exit or enter, volume, enter or exit, around, negative, time could you figure this out????????
February 12, 2013