Comments by jjon

  • Somewhere along the line, for the purposes of generating a URL I suppose, wordnik insisted on turning my title for this list into "topological-verb-adjectives"; which, might be a cool list, but isn't this one.

    October 25, 2022

  • eleven sided figure

    so..... wordnik includes only a subset of the wiktionary data set?

    October 11, 2022

  • emic not really a member of this 'class' of words, but a useful neologism to refer to things that have significance specifically within a context whether mereological or otherwise.

    August 17, 2015

  • We can love a word on wordnik, but we can't despise one? Seems unfair, and this one seems surely to be a prime candidate. Pedantic or not, I simply can't see any good reason to add 'ly' to what is already a perfectly good english adverb. Some changes in the language are good; some changes are not, and I will resist them to the bitter end.

    December 31, 2012