jruberto has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 3 lists, listed 21 words, written 2 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 1 word.
jruberto has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 3 lists, listed 21 words, written 2 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 1 word.
Comments by jruberto
jruberto commented on the word nibling
Ok, so i'm the 100th monkey. Or maybe the 1,000th. It is one of those things that is so sensible that it wills itself into existence.
May 11, 2008
jruberto commented on the word nibling
Ok, I made this one up.
Gender-neutral pronoun for a niece or nephew. If your brothers and sisters are siblings, then...
May 8, 2008