"The identity of the official whose alleged responsibility for this hypothetical oversight has been the subject of recent discussion is not shrouded in quite such impenetrable obscurity as certain previous disclosures may have led you to assume, but, not to put too fine a point on it, the individual in question is, it may surprise you to learn, one whom your present interlocutor is in the habit of defining by means of the perpendicular pronoun." - Sir Humphrey Appleby (Yes, Prime Minister)
Am I right in thinking this word is pronounced epi-kari-ka-see? ^_^ I'm totally going to bust this one out in lieu of the overused but beautiful schadenfreude...
Comments by koani
koani commented on the word epicaricacy
*grins evilly* Shan't!
October 23, 2007
koani commented on the word epicaricacy
Many thanks, seanahan!
October 22, 2007
koani commented on the word dilettante
"This class is called 'Finding Your Voice'. It's for serious writers, not emotionally stunted dilettantes!" - Ugly Betty
October 21, 2007
koani commented on the word interlocutor
"The identity of the official whose alleged responsibility for this hypothetical oversight has been the subject of recent discussion is not shrouded in quite such impenetrable obscurity as certain previous disclosures may have led you to assume, but, not to put too fine a point on it, the individual in question is, it may surprise you to learn, one whom your present interlocutor is in the habit of defining by means of the perpendicular pronoun." - Sir Humphrey Appleby (Yes, Prime Minister)
October 21, 2007
koani commented on the word epicaricacy
Am I right in thinking this word is pronounced epi-kari-ka-see? ^_^ I'm totally going to bust this one out in lieu of the overused but beautiful schadenfreude...
October 21, 2007