lkerns commented on the word dminsfs
'dminsfs' is the tag utilized for the Semiotics and Future Studies Doctor of Ministry program at George Fox Evangelical Seminary. Len (Leonard) Sweet serves as the Lead Mentor.
November 6, 2010
lkerns commented on the word dmingml
'dmingml' is the tag utilized for the social media-based Global Missional Leadership Doctor of Ministry program at George Fox Evangelical Seminary.
lkerns commented on the word dmin
Dmin is an anacronym for "Doctor of Ministry"
June 10, 2009
Comments by lkerns
lkerns commented on the word dminsfs
'dminsfs' is the tag utilized for the Semiotics and Future Studies Doctor of Ministry program at George Fox Evangelical Seminary. Len (Leonard) Sweet serves as the Lead Mentor.
November 6, 2010
lkerns commented on the word dmingml
'dmingml' is the tag utilized for the social media-based Global Missional Leadership Doctor of Ministry program at George Fox Evangelical Seminary.
November 6, 2010
lkerns commented on the word dmin
Dmin is an anacronym for "Doctor of Ministry"
June 10, 2009