lololettuce commented on the word alitanym
Part of speech: noun
Definition: A multi syllable word that follows an alternating spelling pattern of a consonant-vowel-consonant or vowel-consonant-vowel.
Examples include: robot, ability, manipulate, origin, eradicate, deliberate
Origin: Alita-Latin meaning elite or special
Nym-Greek meaning name or word
February 9, 2021
Comments by lololettuce
lololettuce commented on the word alitanym
Part of speech: noun
Definition: A multi syllable word that follows an alternating spelling pattern of a consonant-vowel-consonant or vowel-consonant-vowel.
Examples include: robot, ability, manipulate, origin, eradicate, deliberate
Origin: Alita-Latin meaning elite or special
Nym-Greek meaning name or word
February 9, 2021