Moronica describes the various accoutrements, paraphernalia and vernacular of a contemporary moron. This includes name-brand leisure-wear, clunky jewelry and speech peppered with expletives.
'Randy's new friend came as a bit of a shock - he sidewalked into the room, displaying what appeared to be full-blown moronica'
1. v. to fargle - This generally can be taken to be a vanilla replacement for that other swear-word beginning with 'f'. This can then be extended to incorporate the adjectival verb fargling and the perjorative term fargler.
2. verb - in the present continuous, can be used to mean 'general pottering', eg: 'I spent most of the afternoon, just fargling about really,' sighed Sebastian, louchely.
Comments by lordmullin
lordmullin commented on the list is-this-a-word
It should be an 'O' after the 'H', but yes, it'll be the adjective from Cacophony, or I'm a Dutchmon.
Ho ho.
February 17, 2010
lordmullin commented on the word Moronica
Moronica describes the various accoutrements, paraphernalia and vernacular of a contemporary moron. This includes name-brand leisure-wear, clunky jewelry and speech peppered with expletives.
'Randy's new friend came as a bit of a shock - he sidewalked into the room, displaying what appeared to be full-blown moronica'
December 24, 2009
lordmullin commented on the word fargle
1. v. to fargle - This generally can be taken to be a vanilla replacement for that other swear-word beginning with 'f'. This can then be extended to incorporate the adjectival verb fargling and the perjorative term fargler.
2. verb - in the present continuous, can be used to mean 'general pottering', eg: 'I spent most of the afternoon, just fargling about really,' sighed Sebastian, louchely.
December 22, 2009
lordmullin commented on the word vulgaretum
A gathering of vulgarians, a mooching of morons, a cabal of cretins. You get the idea.
'As I spotted the exit, I realised, with sinking spirits, that I'd inadvertently paused in the midst of a vulgaretum.'
December 16, 2009