Comments by maverickdebx

  • Definition:

    A witty remark thought of too late, on the way home; the clever comment you wish you had delivered


    "When he bragged about sleeping like a baby, I should have added the bit about waking up crying every two hours, but that's just esprit de l'escalier. At the time I just nodded and said nothing."

    About the Word:

    From the French for "staircase wit," this phrase was coined by 18th century encyclopedist Denis Diderot. As a simpler alternative to esprit de l'escalier, English speakers sometimes use escalator wit.

    September 26, 2012

  • Definition:

    the logical mistake that one thing caused another just because it happened first


    "Jen blamed the onset of her headache on the arrival of her in-laws, but that might just have been post hoc, ergo propter hoc."

    About the Word:

    This Latin phrase literally means "after this, therefore because of it." This error in logic is sometimes summed up as "correlation doesn't equal causation."

    September 26, 2012