firewall account – a small balancebank account primarily used for online purchases. That way, if the account information is stolen, there’s very little for the bad guys to take. –
kleptonarcissist – someone so vain that he or she compulsively steals glances of himself or herself in any nearby reflectivesurface – mirrors, polished cars, etc. Definition from
The law, as originally formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990, states: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
It just occurred to me that I'm probably flooding all those poor unsuspecting folks who've innocently subscribed to the Wordie's Recent comments and citations feed – I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! :)
Oh, thank you! :) I didn't even look around, to tell the truth. All these words I'm adding here have already been posted on my LiveJournal first, I'm just transferring them here for easier viewing.
I haven't yet fully figured out how this Wordie-thing works, so thanks for your advice!
technolust – the constant desire to possess the newest, flashiest, fastest, shiniest gadget available, even if the one you just bought is only two months old and still works great
code-swiching – a term in linguistics referring to alternation between two or more languages, dialects, or language registers in a single conversation, stretch of discourse, or utterance between people who have more than one language in common
quale – a quality or property as perceived or experienced by a person
qualia – (plural of quale) often referred to a raw feels, qualia are those subjective, qualitative properties of mental states such as sensations and emotions – the "what it is like" to see blue, feel pain, be angry or agitated
cognitive dissonance – a discrepancy between what a person does and what they think or believe; a psychological state of conflict that occurs when a person's behavior contradicts their thoughts or beliefs
e-mail bankruptcy – a state when you are so inundated with e-mail, both genuine e-mail and spam, that you have to delete everything and start over again
proboscis – a long flexiblesnout or trunk, as of an elephant; the slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks; a human nose, especially a prominent one
strelitzia reginae, bird of paradise flower – an ornamental plant of tropical South Africa and South America having stalks of orange and purplish-blue flowers resembling a bird
commodification – the transformation of relationships, formerly untainted by commerce, into commercial relationships, relationships of buying and selling
wedding band – a ring, often one of a pair of plain gold or platinum bands, given during the wedding ceremony by the groom or bride to his or her future spouse
prolocutor – one who speaks for others; specifically a presiding officer or chairperson, especially of the lower house of a convocation in the Anglican Church
athenaeum – an institution, such as a literary club or scientific academy, for the promotion of learning; a place, such as a library, where printed materials are available for reading
web log – an online personal journal used by an author to share information on a particular subject at regular intervals; blog (a portmanteau of web log)
mialuthien's Comments
Comments by mialuthien
Show previous 200 comments...
mialuthien commented on the word asymmetric warfare
assymetric warfare – a euphemism for local violence or unrest, suicide bombing; contained violence
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word longanimity
An alternative definition from longanimity is the disposition to endure injury with meek forbearance while maturing a plan of revenge.
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word death by tweakage
death by tweakage – when a product or project fails due to unnecessary tinkering, or too many last-minute revisions. –
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word firewall account
firewall account – a small balance bank account primarily used for online purchases. That way, if the account information is stolen, there’s very little for the bad guys to take. –
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word kleptonarcissist
kleptonarcissist – someone so vain that he or she compulsively steals glances of himself or herself in any nearby reflective surface – mirrors, polished cars, etc. Definition from
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the list mialuthien-s-list-hearts
All words on this list are from my Wordbook on Livejournal. New words will be added first on my journal, then here.
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word godwin's law
Also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies.
The law, as originally formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990, states: "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word viral advertising
viral advertising – buzz marketing, word-of-mouth promotion
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word buzz marketing
buzz marketing – word-of-mouth promotion, viral advertising
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word singultient
Could be used to refer to a speech broken by sobs (Oscar acceptance ceremony immediately springs to mind).
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word talking point
talking point – a topic of conversation meant to please, especially in public relations
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word myoclonus
This word can be used to describe that weird feeling of falling – and subsequent jerking awake – one sometimes gets right before falling asleep.
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word third degree
third degree – in police interrogation, originally torture, then colloquially an intensive rough interrogation to extract information or a confession – the term "third degree" being an ironic reference to the Masonic ritual which involves a (symbolic) moral interrogation and illustration that right overcomes wrong
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word hang-up
hang-up – a psychological or emotional difficulty or inhibition; an obstacle to smooth progress or development
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word hash browns
hash browns – блинчики из тёртого картофел�? типа драников
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word awkweird
awkweird – when something is weirdly awkward (a combination of awkward and weird)
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word ambisinistrous
ambisinistrous – equally clumsy with either hand
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word identity crash
identity crash – a sudden and catastrophic collapse of an individual's ability to keep all the threads of his or her online identity straight when the individual joins one too many social networks
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the user mialuthien
It just occurred to me that I'm probably flooding all those poor unsuspecting folks who've innocently subscribed to the Wordie's Recent comments and citations feed – I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! :)
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word elastoplast
Elastoplast ®
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word cafetière
cafetière – syn. French press, press pot, coffee press, and coffee plunger
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word tea strainer
tea strainer – a device to keep back tea leaves when pouring a cup of tea – чайное �?итечко
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word viburnum
viburnum – калина
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word sea buckthorn
sea buckthorn – облепиха
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word tenacity of purpose
tenacity of purpose – целеу�?тремлённо�?ть
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word gestation period
gestation period – the period during which an embryo develops (about 266 days in humans)
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word somniloquacious
somniloquacious – talking or apt to talk in sleep
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word herbal infusion
herbal infusion – на�?той целебных трав
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word tea caddy
tea caddy – a decorative box created for storing tea leaves
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the user mialuthien
Oh, thank you! :) I didn't even look around, to tell the truth. All these words I'm adding here have already been posted on my LiveJournal first, I'm just transferring them here for easier viewing.
I haven't yet fully figured out how this Wordie-thing works, so thanks for your advice!
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word technolust
technolust – the constant desire to possess the newest, flashiest, fastest, shiniest gadget available, even if the one you just bought is only two months old and still works great
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word tourette’s syndrome
Tourette's syndrome – a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations and often the compulsive utterance of obscenities (see coprolalia)
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word eidetic memory
eidetic memory, photographic memory, total recall – the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with great accuracy and in seemingly unlimited volume
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word code-switching
code-swiching – a term in linguistics referring to alternation between two or more languages, dialects, or language registers in a single conversation, stretch of discourse, or utterance between people who have more than one language in common
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word certifiable
certifiable – able to be guaranteed; able to be authorized; confirmable; insane, legally able to be committed to an insane asylum
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word quale
quale – a quality or property as perceived or experienced by a person
qualia – (plural of quale) often referred to a raw feels, qualia are those subjective, qualitative properties of mental states such as sensations and emotions – the "what it is like" to see blue, feel pain, be angry or agitated
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word cognitive dissonance
cognitive dissonance – a discrepancy between what a person does and what they think or believe; a psychological state of conflict that occurs when a person's behavior contradicts their thoughts or beliefs
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word risibility
risibility – a disposition to laugh; a sense of the ludicrous or amusing
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word e-mail bankruptcy
e-mail bankruptcy – a state when you are so inundated with e-mail, both genuine e-mail and spam, that you have to delete everything and start over again
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word post-prandial
post-prandial – following a meal, especially dinner
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word proboscis
proboscis – a long flexible snout or trunk, as of an elephant; the slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks; a human nose, especially a prominent one
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word strelitzia reginae
strelitzia reginae, bird of paradise flower – an ornamental plant of tropical South Africa and South America having stalks of orange and purplish-blue flowers resembling a bird
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word commodification
commodification – the transformation of relationships, formerly untainted by commerce, into commercial relationships, relationships of buying and selling
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word native speaker
native speaker – a person who has learned a language from an early age and who has full mastery of that language
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word popliteal space
popliteal space – a diamond-shaped area behind the knee joint
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word wedding band
wedding band – a ring, often one of a pair of plain gold or platinum bands, given during the wedding ceremony by the groom or bride to his or her future spouse
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word prolocutor
prolocutor – one who speaks for others; specifically a presiding officer or chairperson, especially of the lower house of a convocation in the Anglican Church
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word apparatchik
apparatchik – derog. a member of the communist apparat (administrative system of a communist party); an unquestioningly loyal subordinate, especially of a political leader or organization – аппаратчик, партийный функционер
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word unsolicited
unsolicited – not looked for or requested; unsought
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word athenaeum
athenaeum – an institution, such as a literary club or scientific academy, for the promotion of learning; a place, such as a library, where printed materials are available for reading
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word inducement
inducement – something that helps bring about an action or a desired result; an incentive
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word misconceive
to misconceive – to interpret incorrectly; misunderstand
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word be on the qui vive
to be on the qui vive – to be on guard; to be watchful and alert, like a sentinel
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word entrant
entrant – any new participant in some activity
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word cliff-hanger
cliff-hanger, cliffhanger – an ending or stopping point calculated to leave a story unresolved, to create suspense
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word uninhibited
uninhibited – without inhibition; esp., free from the usual social or psychological restraints, as in behavior
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word avowedly
avowedly – with open acknowledgment, declaration or verification
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word call on the carpet
to call on the carpet – to censure severely or angrily; to reprimand
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word web log
web log – an online personal journal used by an author to share information on a particular subject at regular intervals; blog (a portmanteau of web log)
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word adjourn
to adjourn – to suspend until a later stated time
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word subjugation
subjugation – the act of subjugating or the state of being subjugated; forced control by others
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word subservience
subservience – abject or cringing submissiveness; obsequiousness, servility
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word cash dispenser
cash dispenser – a computerized device outside a bank which supplies cash when a special card is inserted and the user's code number keyed in
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word bascule
bascule – the natural round arc a horse's body takes as it goes over a jump
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word dress down
to dress down – to reprove severely; to scold; reprimand
July 14, 2008
mialuthien commented on the word life caching
Life caching – collecting, storing and displaying one's life online for friends, family or the entire world to peruse.
July 14, 2008