Comments by miaoling

  • �?�?�上万 - cheng2 qian1 shang4 wan4 - would that count?

    Didn't know other languages, especially Chinese, are here too!

    December 12, 2008

  • Also, shouldn't we differentiate common and proper nouns? I mean, when someone names a programming language for example, it can be pretty much anything, without being bound by the requirement that it has something in common with the product being named.

    December 12, 2008

  • It seems we can use a separate category for word pairs that differ by capitalization but NOT pronunciation. I have absolutely no idea how the sounds are different (I'm ESL and most of the words here I've never heard spoken). Btw, I opened up the list so anyone can add to it. Should be a fun exercise - who would think there's any link between computing and religion!

    December 12, 2008

  • You're right. The etymology was enlightening. I can't claim familiarity with any religion (I'm atheist) even though I'm probably most familiar with Christianity and Buddhism, both of which are common in places I've lived in.

    Thanks for the bit about capitonyms. That's the most fascinating thing I've heard all day. The Turkey/turkey pair should probably be in there too, because the capital T makes ALL the difference:)

    December 12, 2008

  • oh there you go. "oracle" and "daemon" were two of the words I always knew were missing. as for "host" and "job" though, isn't the coincidence just, well, a coincidence? I mean, when the first computer scientist decided to call it a "job", surely he didn't have the biblical book in mind?

    December 12, 2008