So what is the term for taking "fully customized" and shortening it to "full-custom"? What is happening here: turning an adverbial phrase into a simple adjective?
Lichtenberg explained the purpose of his "waste book" in his notebook E: Die Kaufleute haben ihr Waste book (Sudelbuch, Klitterbuch glaube ich im deutschen), darin tragen sie von Tag zu Tag alles ein was sie verkaufen und kaufen, alles durch einander ohne Ordnung, aus diesem wird es in das Journal getragen, wo alles mehr systematisch steht ... Dieses verdient von den Gelehrten nachgeahmt zu werden. Erst ein Buch worin ich alles einschreibe, so wie ich es sehe oder wie es mir meine Gedancken eingeben, alsdann kan dieses wieder in ein anderes getragen werden, wo die Materien mehr abgesondert und geordnet sind.'
... Accountants have their "waste book" (Sudelbuch, Klitterbuch in German, I think) where day to day they enter all the things they buy or sell, everything mixed together without structure, from which it is copied into the Journal, where everything is more systematically arranged....
mjk's Comments
Comments by mjk
mjk commented on the word plyptoton
There is a typo in an example for chiasmus, namely *"plyptoton" that should be "polyptoton".
January 23, 2013
mjk commented on the list bonjour-cheese-eating-surrender-monkeys
beau, heliotrope, imbecile, k, louche, noir, ...
July 14, 2011
mjk commented on the word cooeeing
'cooeeing' -- longest run of vowels in an English word? Hooeyism?? or hooeyish??
July 3, 2011
mjk commented on the word full-custom
So what is the term for taking "fully customized" and shortening it to "full-custom"? What is happening here: turning an adverbial phrase into a simple adjective?
January 18, 2010
mjk commented on the word waste book
... Accountants have their "waste book" (Sudelbuch, Klitterbuch in German, I think) where day to day they enter all the things they buy or sell, everything mixed together without structure, from which it is copied into the Journal, where everything is more systematically arranged....
January 7, 2010
mjk commented on the word yacht
Why isn't yacht spelled yaght like bight/Bucht, cough/Keuch, daughter/Tochter, eight/acht, freight/Fracht, haught/hoch, laughter/Lachter, might/Macht, naught/nichts, sought/sucht, weight/Gewicht, etc.?
December 22, 2009