Comments by moritherapy

  • jennarenn, that's interesting - even though i use the word on occasion and DON'T immediately think of the movie, i feels as if the movie is always somewhere in the back of my mind ... wafting through it, as it were :)

    October 20, 2007

  • and let's not forget it's a greek letter

    October 20, 2007

  • “struwwelpeter�? is a german term for, literally translated, “shaggy peter�?. i just discovered that the term is also known in english. struwwelpeter is the title of a popular german children's book comprising ten illustrated and rhymed tales of morality.

    written around 1850, it contains the most horrible prussian moral twists. the word “struwwelpeter�?, then, evokes the image of someone who is a bit on the messy side (actually, the book cover displays a rather sedate-looking preteen with quite the amazing blond afro) as well as the moralistic, guilt-and-horror laden ideas of german/prussian childreading of those times, the vestiges of which still linger on to this day.

    October 20, 2007

  • i am giving this word a thumbs up on honour of my friend j, who just discovered it

    October 20, 2007