moviescribe commented on the word being there
Hal Ashby, man! Hal Ashby!
July 30, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word say no more
Ok. "No More". There, I said it.
moviescribe commented on the word cyano
de begeac ;)
July 12, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word bulerĂa
i hate what bisbal has done to that beautiful word.
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word platonic buying
platonic credit card swiping.
moviescribe commented on the word about corduroy pillows
nasty facemarks after the nap.
moviescribe commented on the word love the skin you're in
skin the love you're in
moviescribe commented on the word hay mow
Hey now, hay mow!
moviescribe commented on the word regex
moviescribe commented on the word obliterine
(noun): Liquid substance used to destroy (something) utterly; wipe out : (Ex.: Quick! Hand me the obliterine to rid the world of this nasty Panzer!)
(noun): 1. Liquid substance used to destroy (something) utterly; wipe out : (Ex.: Quick! Hand me the obliterine to rid the world of this nasty Panzer!)
moviescribe commented on the word chahut
HAH between the cut.
moviescribe commented on the word dude-mom
OMG!! Awesome!!!
moviescribe commented on the word sesquipedalophobia
... . ... --.- ..- .. .--. . -.. .- .-.. --- .--. .... --- -... .. .- (in morse code)
moviescribe commented on the word alluvial till
Me loves geology.
vs. alluvial fan?
moviescribe commented on the word mia
Comments by moviescribe
moviescribe commented on the word being there
Hal Ashby, man! Hal Ashby!
July 30, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word say no more
Ok. "No More". There, I said it.
July 30, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word cyano
de begeac ;)
July 12, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word bulerĂa
i hate what bisbal has done to that beautiful word.
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word platonic buying
platonic credit card swiping.
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word about corduroy pillows
nasty facemarks after the nap.
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word love the skin you're in
skin the love you're in
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word hay mow
Hey now, hay mow!
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word regex
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word obliterine
(noun): Liquid substance used to destroy (something) utterly; wipe out : (Ex.: Quick! Hand me the obliterine to rid the world of this nasty Panzer!)
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word obliterine
(noun): 1. Liquid substance used to destroy (something) utterly; wipe out : (Ex.: Quick! Hand me the obliterine to rid the world of this nasty Panzer!)
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word chahut
HAH between the cut.
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word dude-mom
OMG!! Awesome!!!
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word sesquipedalophobia
... . ... --.- ..- .. .--. . -.. .- .-.. --- .--. .... --- -... .. .- (in morse code)
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word alluvial till
Me loves geology.
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word alluvial till
vs. alluvial fan?
July 10, 2008
moviescribe commented on the word mia
July 10, 2008