muuyataqaa has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 4 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for muuyataqaa
nu'va kwa'hu is 'bald eagle or literally 'snow eagle'
-taqa is "one who has intention of"
Kwahe is eagle.
This is third mesa dialect though.
(taaqa) could be translated as either 'married man' or 'becomes a man'.
muuya is a reference to 'moon' or 'moon cycle' (lunar month)or some reference to 'time' possibly.
translat my name and then kaisale andkwahe
Comments by muuyataqaa
muuyataqaa commented on the word kaisale
reference to a clown katsina?
February 15, 2010
muuyataqaa commented on the word kwahe
hopi or tewa from first mesa may be a reference to an eagle katsina
February 15, 2010
muuyataqaa commented on the word kaisale
hopi or tewa from the first mesa? does anyone speak hopi or tewa from first mesa to translate?
February 15, 2010
muuyataqaa commented on the user muuyataqaa
translat my name and then kaisale andkwahe
February 15, 2010