robotjohnny has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 8 lists, listed 1375 words, written 2 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for robotjohnny
You make fabulous lists!
Hi there from sunny Scotland (well, not really)!
Couple of us appear to have suggested more silly place names…
- night in Poodiac
(it's in Michigan)
Ooh, we have several words in common! And you have quite a few that I also like but couldn't think of, earlier. Like "carbuncle" and "loblolly!" Aaaaaah! Another addiction, this site!!!! (O.o)
This is a hoot. I'm definitely going to keep a watch on this list. And I'm going to find some opportunity today to use at least one of these words, just 'cause.
Perhaps I will make a salubrious meal of rhododendron goulash and rutabaga marmalade (fried using a spatula, of course) and feed it to my troglodytic doppelganger to help her get rid of her carbuncles.
No misbegotten list, this. Festoon your periwinkle tobogganing pantaloons!
Comments by robotjohnny
robotjohnny commented on the user kaichi
How could I forget pumpernickel? Love your list, too! - robotjohnny
November 30, 2006
robotjohnny commented on the user LibraryThingTim
Don't forget about all those tasty foods like brie and champagne.
November 29, 2006