Comments by roderick

  • \ noun\ 1 : the theological exaltation of baptism into a rite that confers mystical union with Christ, conveys spiritual merit or communicates expiatory, regenerative or salvific power; 2 : the state of mind that finds references to baptism in any Bible text mentioning or having to do with water or washing; 3 : the inclination to see baptismal formulas and confessions in early Christianity before such things existed; 4 : the impulse to alter or add to Scripture in order to promote the idea of baptismal regeneration.

    May 25, 2010

  • "To preserve evangelical encraty, and to restrain fanatical asceticism, was the spirit of early Christianity, as one sees int he ethics of Hermas." -- Introductory Note To Tatian the Assyrian by J. E. Ryland, Ante-Nicene Fathers: Vol II

    May 25, 2010