sdb has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 1 list, listed 4 words, written 1 comment, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for sdb
And now, Wordnik has comments dated "over 3 years ago".
And now, Wordie has comments dated "over 2 years ago".
I need a moment.
Can we light candles in here?
jennarenn is now officially Wordie's Kathleen Kenyon.
This page is detined to become a spiritual place, a shrine, a stop on the itinerary of all wordie pilgrims. A church of the wordie nativity.
But...jmcgrath's profile says he has zero comments. He's been ghosted!
I believe that the comment below is the first one on wordie. Take a look at this.
Comments by sdb
sdb commented on the user john
I thought your least favorite word was methinks...
December 2, 2006