P.S When you see an English word that begins with the eccles bit, you can be pretty sure that its meaning will somehow involve religious matters. That’s because ekklēsia is the Greek word for church and it has influenced the spelling of many English words of a religious nature, such as ecclesial, ecclesiolatry, and ecclesiarch.
srikanth.malipatel's Comments
Comments by srikanth.malipatel
srikanth.malipatel commented on the word ecclesiastic, clergyman, churchman
Pertaning to church or a cleric in church.
P.S When you see an English word that begins with the eccles bit, you can be pretty sure that its meaning will somehow involve religious matters. That’s because ekklēsia is the Greek word for church and it has influenced the spelling of many English words of a religious nature, such as ecclesial, ecclesiolatry, and ecclesiarch.
August 27, 2013
srikanth.malipatel commented on the word Ebullient, Vivacious, Zestful, Exuberant, Effervescent
lively or spirited
August 27, 2013
srikanth.malipatel commented on the word Ebullient, Vivacious, Zestful, Exuberant, Effervescent
All mean showing excitement or overflowing with joy.
August 27, 2013