Having to do with people's ears being slit open. No actually, it means "an ineffective bustle". I know it doesn't belong on this list (as it's British English), but I thought it sounded like something I'd hear in Georgia.
dictionary.com entry: "a supernatural force believed by the Iroquois Indians to be present, in varying degrees, in all objects or persons, and to be the spiritual force by which human accomplishment is attained or accounted for."
A legendarium is a collection of legends. This obscure medieval Latin noun originally referred mainly to texts detailing legends of the lives of saints...The legendarium form is still found in several European languages, and was in occasional use in the English language when J.R.R. Tolkien used it to refer to his fictional writings about Middle-earth.
yes, i think so reesetee, indeed. though i think it could be anything, even furniture; a tolkien scholar can correct me on that.. and i'm glad it was you that made the foot joke, now gangerh won't get mad at me... ; )
i imagine it sort of like tribbles, just multiplying exponentially over and under and tucked away inside of.. a far more toothsome word than clutter, to my mind. : )
"Anything that Hobbits had no immediate use for, but were unwilling to throw away, they called a mathom. Their dwellings were apt to become rather crowded with mathoms, and many of the presents that passed from hand to hand were of that sort."
"The palavery kind of Southerners; all that slushy gush on the surface, and no sensibilities whatever - a race without consonants and without delicacy."
Cedrus deodara. The name "deodar" is derived from modern Indian language derivatives of the Sanskrit name 'devdar', meaning "timber of the gods". ~Wikipedia
"Thus is born a new criminal mastermind wielding the unstoppable battle combo of googly antennae, nostril blasts, and nectar-based weaponry.
Note too, the disconnect between the lead character's name in the title and the story. Alternately called B-Man, Bee-Man and the Bee throughout, his name is just one of the many bad ingredients in this failure casserole."
i worked at an abattoir that had been converted into a print shop for gig posters. they left the hooks up. it was very becoming for the rock n' roll lifestyle, i thought.
my apologies for being redundant if this has already been brought to light.. but whenever i click on the "random word" feature, it returns with a "nobody is listing 'such-and-such', why don't you" message instead of a listed word. is it just my computer?
well yes; but after a long road trip to austin from whence i garnered the phrase, i felt more than a little road hard, and also crumpled, like laundry that'd been put away while still wet. totally innocuous, my version...
indeed it is! and it is also the word i had the hardest time with in my hula lessons with my grandmother. it's in the song, "My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua Hawaii".
oh. well, that's cool, it's good fertilizer, right? my roommate puts rabbit placenta in her hair. but it kinda grosses me out when she does that. lil'bit.
Comments by super-julia
super-julia commented on the word bags of mystery
July 22, 2020
super-julia commented on the word oxtercog
to carry s.one by supporting them under the armpits. OED
July 22, 2020
super-julia commented on the word passager
The OED also gives an alternate meaning of "a curled lock of hair on the temples." (correct me if I'm wrong..)
April 16, 2013
super-julia commented on the list stompin-and-pickin
Yes; just for the hodgepodge of things I heard or was entranced by there. ^__^
July 29, 2011
super-julia commented on the list stompin-and-pickin
Having to do with people's ears being slit open. No actually, it means "an ineffective bustle". I know it doesn't belong on this list (as it's British English), but I thought it sounded like something I'd hear in Georgia.
July 29, 2011
super-julia commented on the word pussivanting
Pussivanting - an ineffective bustle. After "poursuivanting".
July 29, 2011
super-julia commented on the word bubbies
gals got boobies, guys got these.
June 26, 2009
super-julia commented on the word beefy hoo-hoo
aka front butt.
June 22, 2009
super-julia commented on the word nicholas unless-jesus-christ-had-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned barbon
Son of Praise-God Barbon?
April 8, 2009
super-julia commented on the word logorrific
y'know, like terrific, but for words.
March 12, 2009
super-julia commented on the word nixie
also: mail which cannot be delivered because it is illegibly or incorrectly addressed. OED
March 11, 2009
super-julia commented on the word supernumerary nipple
1 in 18 humans has one...a third one that is. it can even be on the bottom of your foot.
February 21, 2009
super-julia commented on the word owling
U.S. regional: The action of imitating the hooting of an owl, esp. to discover the whereabouts of birds when hunting them.
February 13, 2009
super-julia commented on the word orenda
dictionary.com entry: "a supernatural force believed by the Iroquois Indians to be present, in varying degrees, in all objects or persons, and to be the spiritual force by which human accomplishment is attained or accounted for."
February 12, 2009
super-julia commented on the word ainsworth rand spofford
Librarian of Congress, 1864-1897.
December 17, 2008
super-julia commented on the word lgbtq
oh, i thought the "A" was for asexual..no room for them in this acronym?
November 4, 2008
super-julia commented on the word busticuffs
i was thinking more along the lines of boobs, but sure, whatever works... :)
November 4, 2008
super-julia commented on the word busticuffs
much like fisticuffs, only with a certain other part of the anatomy.
November 3, 2008
super-julia commented on the word zoetekoek
Dutch spiced sweet bread..very tasty.
October 13, 2008
super-julia commented on the word bibliophibians
a race of people living half-in, half-out of a sea of books, as evinced by this strip.
September 12, 2008
super-julia commented on the word voorslag
The lash of a whip. (OED)
August 31, 2008
super-julia commented on the word street carrot
the antithesis to couch potato, according to my roommate..
August 31, 2008
super-julia commented on the word snugglepot and cuddlepie
see the post on BibliOdyssey...
August 24, 2008
super-julia commented on the word nyctophonia
"a form of elective mutism in which s.one/s.thing is able or willing to speak only at night"
~ Christopher Foyle, Foyle's Philavery.
not to be confused with nyctophobia.
August 24, 2008
super-julia commented on the word staycation
UGH. is this even for real..?
May 13, 2008
super-julia commented on the word hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
yay! the 666th word on my main list.
April 30, 2008
super-julia commented on the word nil desperadum
I must have copied this out wrong..should be nil desperandum. Thanks to a certain Mr. Eugene Ehrlich for setting me straight.
*embarrassed, but refuses to ghost it..*
April 28, 2008
super-julia commented on the word mono no aware
if you care to see it in japanese.. 物�?�哀れ
March 25, 2008
super-julia commented on the word mad chops
the kind you wear and/or the kind you play.
March 7, 2008
super-julia commented on the word little pitchers have big ears
this phrase always reminds me of that song, "Sam Stone"..
February 28, 2008
super-julia commented on the word assicon
don't forget ass shakin'! (_/_) (_|_) (_\_)
February 21, 2008
super-julia commented on the word somnichanter
combining form of sleep "somni-" + french "to sing" = singing in one's sleep. that's my story and i'm stickin' to it.
February 16, 2008
super-julia commented on the word bloop
deep sea monster? giant squid? the enigmatic Bloop abides.
February 14, 2008
super-julia commented on the word afoot
"Strange things are afoot at the Circle K."
~ Ted
February 13, 2008
super-julia commented on the word extemporanea
"Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song
A medley of extemporanea
And love is a thing that can never go wrong
and I am Marie of Romania."
~ Dorothy Parker
February 12, 2008
super-julia commented on the word legendarium
A legendarium is a collection of legends. This obscure medieval Latin noun originally referred mainly to texts detailing legends of the lives of saints...The legendarium form is still found in several European languages, and was in occasional use in the English language when J.R.R. Tolkien used it to refer to his fictional writings about Middle-earth.
~ Wikipedia
February 9, 2008
super-julia commented on the word mathom
yes, i think so reesetee, indeed. though i think it could be anything, even furniture; a tolkien scholar can correct me on that.. and i'm glad it was you that made the foot joke, now gangerh won't get mad at me... ; )
February 9, 2008
super-julia commented on the word mathom
i imagine it sort of like tribbles, just multiplying exponentially over and under and tucked away inside of.. a far more toothsome word than clutter, to my mind. : )
February 9, 2008
super-julia commented on the word mathom
"Anything that Hobbits had no immediate use for, but were unwilling to throw away, they called a mathom. Their dwellings were apt to become rather crowded with mathoms, and many of the presents that passed from hand to hand were of that sort."
~ J.R.R. Tolkien
February 9, 2008
super-julia commented on the word grandissimus
...is "forecastle deck" some kind of double entendre?
February 7, 2008
super-julia commented on the word girl scout cookie
Samoas ftw, hands down! ; )
January 31, 2008
super-julia commented on the word palavery
"The palavery kind of Southerners; all that slushy gush on the surface, and no sensibilities whatever - a race without consonants and without delicacy."
~ My Mortal Enemy, Willa Cather.
January 31, 2008
super-julia commented on the user yarb
aw shucks, yarb! thanks. : )
*ears turning red*
January 30, 2008
super-julia commented on the user ennuifreezone
you are only a wicked young lady for making me eat all those cookies...!
pü on shü forever!
January 30, 2008
super-julia commented on the word bugs
"Mr. Potato Head is now mobile."
how could you let him get behind the wheel..?! he's still doing community service for his last DUI...
January 30, 2008
super-julia commented on the word deodar cedar
Cedrus deodara. The name "deodar" is derived from modern Indian language derivatives of the Sanskrit name 'devdar', meaning "timber of the gods". ~Wikipedia
January 29, 2008
super-julia commented on the word shorty zucchini
amazing. truly amazing.
January 28, 2008
super-julia commented on the list peoples-is-peoples
thanks for the names! : )
i'm debating about adding "pussy galore" though, misterpolly, as i was trying to keep it strictly nonfictional personages...
January 28, 2008
super-julia commented on the word thor templar
"...the self titled 'Lord Commander of the Earth Protectorate'. He claims to have killed more than ten aliens by chopping their heads off."
~ Wikipedia, of course.
January 28, 2008
super-julia commented on the list such-and-such
wow, this list has really taken on a life of its own..! you kids have thought of all the good ones..! : )
January 28, 2008
super-julia commented on the word question
yarb, glad i'm not the only one taking surreptitious whiffs of the new hardbacks at work.. er.. ; )
January 26, 2008
super-julia commented on the word question
wow! wordies truly are the bee's knees! : ) (mind if i use bibliosmophiliac? not into fetishes....................)
January 26, 2008
super-julia commented on the word question
might i be terribly bold and co-opt this word to put forth a question to all those illustrious and knowledgeable wordies out there?
i'd like to know if there is a word to describe a person who loves the smell of books..?
January 26, 2008
super-julia commented on the word 安心
�?�?�ん�?�ん】(anshin) peace of mind; i say it like a mantra for no worries..
January 26, 2008
super-julia commented on the word �?�ん�?��?�
(tampopo) dandelion.
(and also a lovely movie by juzo itami.)
January 26, 2008
super-julia commented on the word 徒手空拳
�?�?��?�ゅ�??�?��?�ん】(toshukuuken) empty-handed.
January 26, 2008
super-julia commented on the list such-and-such
apologies for an even longer delay - work so gets in the way of wordieness! and actually i guess it should have been "chain" not "so on"...oops!
January 25, 2008
super-julia commented on the list such-and-such
ah! forgive me, my synapses do not quite catch things as fast as all that.
so on and so forth?
January 25, 2008
super-julia commented on the list such-and-such
gangerh, i've opened the list, so feel free to add more if you are so inclined! : )
January 25, 2008
super-julia commented on the list such-and-such
thanks! : )
January 25, 2008
super-julia commented on the word failure casserole
"Thus is born a new criminal mastermind wielding the unstoppable battle combo of googly antennae, nostril blasts, and nectar-based weaponry.
Note too, the disconnect between the lead character's name in the title and the story. Alternately called B-Man, Bee-Man and the Bee throughout, his name is just one of the many bad ingredients in this failure casserole."
lifted shamelessly from the very astute Brian Hughes' To Be Bee-Man or Not To Be Bee-Man...
January 25, 2008
super-julia commented on the word moses action figure
was it the bendy kind?
January 24, 2008
super-julia commented on the user molliewollie
hey!! ^__^
January 23, 2008
super-julia commented on the word 3 ft.-long hanging meat hooks
reesetee, too bad you can't get a stamp for "meat bread"..(or maybe you can, mwahaha.)
January 23, 2008
super-julia commented on the word 3 ft.-long hanging meat hooks
ha ha! and i love how they just throw "fish" in with veal/lamb/fowl (sic). because fish clearly falls under one of those three categories..
January 23, 2008
super-julia commented on the word 3 ft.-long hanging meat hooks
only $6 bucks at this site. they don't appear to carry my other favorite though - fatback.
January 23, 2008
super-julia commented on the word 3 ft.-long hanging meat hooks
they were rather intimidating..! but the meat stamps were fun. stamping "rump roast" on random people's orders always brought a tear to my eye..
*nostalgically gazes into space*
January 23, 2008
super-julia commented on the word 3 ft.-long hanging meat hooks
i worked at an abattoir that had been converted into a print shop for gig posters. they left the hooks up. it was very becoming for the rock n' roll lifestyle, i thought.
January 23, 2008
super-julia commented on the word bugs
yes, the same goes for me with blue suburban sky..drat! :P
January 22, 2008
super-julia commented on the word pappity stampoy
"Use makes perfectnesse."
January 22, 2008
super-julia commented on the word bugs
my apologies for being redundant if this has already been brought to light.. but whenever i click on the "random word" feature, it returns with a "nobody is listing 'such-and-such', why don't you" message instead of a listed word. is it just my computer?
January 22, 2008
super-julia commented on the word road hard and put away wet
well yes; but after a long road trip to austin from whence i garnered the phrase, i felt more than a little road hard, and also crumpled, like laundry that'd been put away while still wet. totally innocuous, my version...
January 22, 2008
super-julia commented on the word liliput
hee! well, they were fairly minimalist, so yes!
January 19, 2008
super-julia commented on the word liliput
i'm adopting this (ghost), as they were an awesome band..
January 19, 2008
super-julia commented on the word momo
momo is peach in japanese. either way maybe she was just hungry.
January 18, 2008
super-julia commented on the word this page intentionally left blank
government documents are so full of these, it makes me think the government is fond of being wasteful or something.. naw...
January 18, 2008
super-julia commented on the word humuhumunukunukuapua'a
it's okay. ukulele makes up for it. almost. ;)
January 18, 2008
super-julia commented on the word humuhumunukunukuapua'a
no, you've said it, you've gone and said the word..i..can't..stand..earworm!! and now look, you've made me say it, too.. oh, it's just too awful..
*shaking head i can't hear you la la la*
January 18, 2008
super-julia commented on the list adoption-agency
i'm so happy!! *sniff*
January 18, 2008
super-julia commented on the list adoption-agency
flavenoids really must come home with me. i mean, i've already got the crib set up on my -oids list and everything...
January 18, 2008
super-julia commented on the word humuhumunukunukuapua'a
indeed it is! and it is also the word i had the hardest time with in my hula lessons with my grandmother. it's in the song, "My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua Hawaii".
January 17, 2008
super-julia commented on the list fun-phrases-idioms
my great-grandmother was fond of saying she was going to have a fit and fall in it, though i'm not sure if that's something she made up herself..?
January 17, 2008
super-julia commented on the word nostril
and also brains through thy nostrils by means of an iron hook, no?
January 17, 2008
super-julia commented on the list friendly-discourse
i know, i'm sorry...! (heeee..)
January 17, 2008
super-julia commented on the list p-is-for
well, i think it's rabbit..comes in a bottle you can buy at your local hair supply store i think. fulla' nutrients and the like. or so she says... ;)
January 17, 2008
super-julia commented on the list p-is-for
oh. well, that's cool, it's good fertilizer, right? my roommate puts rabbit placenta in her hair. but it kinda grosses me out when she does that. lil'bit.
January 15, 2008
super-julia commented on the list p-is-for
aw, thanks! placenta is actually one of the few p-words that i dislike... but definitely the others!
January 15, 2008