"An American independent film movement that arose in the mid-2000's. It is primarily characterized by ultra-low budget production (often employing digital video cameras), focus on personal relationships between twenty-somethings, improvised scripts, and non-professional actors." (Wikipedia)
Language viewed abstractly as a system of forms and conventions used for communication in a community. The knowledge that enables a person to speak and understand a language.
Springtail; Any of various small wingless insects of the order Collembola, having abdominal appendages that act as springs to catapult them through the air. Also called collembolan.
French, literally "devout people." A Catholic political party in early 17th century France that favored alliance with the Austrian empire and opposed the presence of Protestants inside France. They were main target of ridicule in Molière's play Tartuffe.
Comments by technomom
TechnoMom commented on the word quidnunc
Someone who attempts to know all that happens, but who is not careful of the facts.
April 20, 2008
TechnoMom commented on the list fingernails-on-my-chalkboard
I find it crazy-making when someone "axes" me to "esplain" something, like why people protest "nucular" power plants.
March 21, 2008
TechnoMom commented on the word segway
skipvia is correct. Segway is a brand name. Segue is the transition.
March 5, 2008
TechnoMom commented on the word sternutation
According to another source it's "The act of sneezing or a sneeze."
February 15, 2008
TechnoMom commented on the word dégringolade
Downfall; rapid decline or deterioration
February 14, 2008
TechnoMom commented on the word mumblecore
"An American independent film movement that arose in the mid-2000's. It is primarily characterized by ultra-low budget production (often employing digital video cameras), focus on personal relationships between twenty-somethings, improvised scripts, and non-professional actors." (Wikipedia)
December 8, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word langue
Language viewed abstractly as a system of forms and conventions used for communication in a community. The knowledge that enables a person to speak and understand a language.
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word jactitation
a tossing to and fro or jerking and twitching of the body
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word collembolan
Springtail; Any of various small wingless insects of the order Collembola, having abdominal appendages that act as springs to catapult them through the air. Also called collembolan.
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word dévots
French, literally "devout people." A Catholic political party in early 17th century France that favored alliance with the Austrian empire and opposed the presence of Protestants inside France. They were main target of ridicule in Molière's play Tartuffe.
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word tartuffe
a religious hypocrite. Named after the protagonist in Molière's play Tartuffe (1686).
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word yare
characterized by speed and agility; nimble, lively, handy, maneuverable
archaic: set for action
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gearu; akin to Old High German garo ready
Date: before 12th century
She's a right yarely ship, she is.
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word souteneur
an old word for a man who lives on the earnings of prostitutes (a pimp). From a French word meaning 'protector.'
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word whigmaleery
Scottish word for any whimsical thing or fanciful notion
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word lollipop factory
an insane asylum
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word geedus
Money - American Slang. Also variants: geetas, gheetas, geetus. Origin unknown, according to Oxford University Press.
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word geetas
Money - American Slang. Also variants: geetus, gheetas, geedus. Origin unknown, according to Oxford University Press.
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word gheetas
Money - American Slang. Also variants: geetus, geetas, geedus. Origin unknown, according to Oxford University Press.
October 31, 2007
TechnoMom commented on the word geetus
Money - American Slang. Also variants: gheetas, geetas, geedus. Origin unknown, according to Oxford University Press.
October 31, 2007