thadguidry commented on the word OOTB
OOTB can also have the same meaning as the word: default
May 15, 2013
thadguidry commented on the word torpedo
As adjective: torpedo-shaped cufflinks, or torpedo shape
March 28, 2011
thadguidry commented on the word chortle
You chortle whenever someone gets you laughing and chuckling with pig-like snorting sounds.
July 29, 2010
thadguidry commented on the word oroboros
The snake that eats its own tail.
April 21, 2010
Ring Shaped. Circular in nature.
thadguidry commented on the word ipad
Tablet style computing device announced by Apple on January 27, 2010 that would combine features of a laptop and smartphone with a much larger touchscreen interface similar to their iPhone product.
January 29, 2010
Comments by thadguidry
thadguidry commented on the word OOTB
OOTB can also have the same meaning as the word: default
May 15, 2013
thadguidry commented on the word torpedo
As adjective: torpedo-shaped cufflinks, or torpedo shape
March 28, 2011
thadguidry commented on the word chortle
You chortle whenever someone gets you laughing and chuckling with pig-like snorting sounds.
July 29, 2010
thadguidry commented on the word oroboros
The snake that eats its own tail.
April 21, 2010
thadguidry commented on the word oroboros
Ring Shaped. Circular in nature.
April 21, 2010
thadguidry commented on the word ipad
Tablet style computing device announced by Apple on January 27, 2010 that would combine features of a laptop and smartphone with a much larger touchscreen interface similar to their iPhone product.
January 29, 2010