DYSTOPIA (dystopic): An imagined universe (usually the future of our own world) in which a worst-case scenario is explored; the opposite of utopia. Dystopic stories have been especially influential on postmodernism, as writers and film-makers imagine the effects of various aspects of our current postmodern condition, for example, the world's take-over by machines (The Matrix); the social effects of the hyperreal (Neuromancer); a society completely run by media commercialism (The Running Man); the triumph of late capitalism (Blade Runner); bureaucratic control run amok (Brazil, 1984); and so on.
2. (transitive) To yield completely, to quit, to abandon.
3. (transitive) To addict, resign or apply (one’s self).
4. (reflexive) To devote oneself to a particular activity.
5. (British, idiom) Usually as an imperative. To tell someone to stop molesting, fooling around, or saying silly things. Or sometimes to stop saying flattering things.
Comments by xina54
Xina54 commented on the word disphoria
There are heart palpitations, hyperventilation, sweaty palms, disphoria (ph) of course is the opposite of euphoria.
— CNN Transcript Sep 20, 2004
March 14, 2011
Xina54 commented on the word inchoate
pronounced KOH-it or KOH-ate
1. In an initial or early stage; incipient.
2. Imperfectly formed or developed: a vague, inchoate idea.
March 14, 2011
Xina54 commented on the word esoteric
1. Intended for or understood by only a particular group: an esoteric cult. See Synonyms at mysterious.
2. Of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people.
3. Confined to a small group: esoteric interests.
4. Not publicly disclosed; confidential.
March 12, 2011
Xina54 commented on the word consonant
# Being in agreement or accord: remarks consonant with our own beliefs.
(as well as not vowel)
March 7, 2011
Xina54 commented on the word preantepenultimate
Preceding the antepenultimate; being the fourth from the last: as, a preantepenultimate syllable.
February 19, 2011
Xina54 commented on the word gossypiboma
A gauze or surgical sponge left inside a patient's body during surgery.
February 19, 2011
Xina54 commented on the word dystopic
DYSTOPIA (dystopic): An imagined universe (usually the future of our own world) in which a worst-case scenario is explored; the opposite of utopia. Dystopic stories have been especially influential on postmodernism, as writers and film-makers imagine the effects of various aspects of our current postmodern condition, for example, the world's take-over by machines (The Matrix); the social effects of the hyperreal (Neuromancer); a society completely run by media commercialism (The Running Man); the triumph of late capitalism (Blade Runner); bureaucratic control run amok (Brazil, 1984); and so on.
/dɪsˈtoʊpiə/ Show Spelleddis-toh-pee-uh Show IPA
a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding.
February 13, 2011
Xina54 commented on the word give over
Wiktionary (5 definitions)
1. (transitive) To entrust something to another.
2. (transitive) To yield completely, to quit, to abandon.
3. (transitive) To addict, resign or apply (one’s self).
4. (reflexive) To devote oneself to a particular activity.
5. (British, idiom) Usually as an imperative. To tell someone to stop molesting, fooling around, or saying silly things. Or sometimes to stop saying flattering things.
February 13, 2011
Xina54 commented on the list christinas-list
sardonic in
American Heritage Dictionary (1 definition)
1. Scornfully or cynically mocking. See Synonyms at sarcastic.
Century Dictionary (2 definitions)
1. Apparently but not really proceeding from gaiety; forced: said of a laugh or smile.
2. Bitterly ironical; sarcastic; derisive and malignant; sneering: now the usual meaning.
Wiktionary (2 definitions)
1. Scornfully mocking or cynical.
2. Disdainfully or ironically humorous.
February 13, 2011