In some posters promoting the 5th Scream movie (2022), the title was written as "5CREAM", which was then humorously pronounced as "fivecream." Similar to the way some people pronounce "SE7EN" as "se-seven-en." Scream VI (2023) posters break the M in half and use roman numerals on the 2nd half to make a VI: SCREAVI.
tankhughes commented on the word 5CREAM
In some posters promoting the 5th Scream movie (2022), the title was written as "5CREAM", which was then humorously pronounced as "five cream." Similar to the way some people pronounce "SE7EN" as "se-seven-en." Scream VI (2023) posters break the M in half and use roman numerals on the 2nd half to make a VI: SCREAVI.
December 20, 2023