
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun A male given name of English speakers.
  • proper noun A transliteration of the Russian male given name Иван.
  • proper noun slang A Russian.
  • proper noun slang Russians (collectively, personified).
  • proper noun A male given name of Welsh origin.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Russian Иван, and from Ivan in several Slavic languages, all of them cognates of the English John.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Rare variant of English Evan, from Welsh Ifan, the Welsh equivalent of John.


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  • Ivan @Ivan: You can take all the umbrage you want.

    Flopping Aces mlajoie2 2010

  • He had attended a late-night meeting in a scrapyard where the term Ivan, a slang term for a Russian, was used.

    Let The Dead Lie Malla Nunn 2010

  • He had attended a late-night meeting in a scrapyard where the term Ivan, a slang term for a Russian, was used.

    Let The Dead Lie Malla Nunn 2010

  • Below it someone had quickly printed the name Ivan Navgorny.

    The Diamond Secret Suzanne Weyn 2009

  • Below it someone had quickly printed the name Ivan Navgorny.

    The Diamond Secret Suzanne Weyn 2009

  • Below it someone had quickly printed the name Ivan Navgorny.

    The Diamond Secret Suzanne Weyn 2009

  • Below it someone had quickly printed the name Ivan Navgorny.

    The Diamond Secret Suzanne Weyn 2009

  • Erica, come on now, don't you know that Ivan is all seeing and all-knowing?

    Only One Dealmaker « PubliCola 2010

  • Ivan is like many people I know or have known: self-righteous, asking a question but refusing any answer but his own.

    GOD OF WORMS • by K.C. Shaw 2009

  • And know, strange brother, when I tell thee the word of Ivan is the law, that I am thy friend and no friend of Ivan.



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