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  • There is a green star called Meristem, and a spectroscopic analysis of that star, I'm sure, will reveal what unknown elements it contains, and perhaps locate other stars with that element.

    The Colors of Space Marion Zimmer Bradley 1964

  • "Meristem," Vorongil said, taking the controls himself.

    The Colors of Space Marion Zimmer Bradley 1964

  • He did not know that he had already had the best luck of his unique voyage, or realize the fantastic luck that had brought him to the small green star Meristem.

    The Colors of Space Marion Zimmer Bradley 1964

  • He turned away from the unsolvable riddle of the strange constellations; and went to his cabin, to dream of the green star Meristem where he had first plotted known coordinates for a previously unknown world, and to wander in baffling nightmares where he fed jagged, star-colored pieces of hail into the ship's computer and watched them come out as tiny paperdoll spaceships with the letterhead of Eight Colors printed neatly across their sides.

    The Colors of Space Marion Zimmer Bradley 1964

  • Meristem program evaluators said Phillips Avenue is an example of how institute training helped a school make great strides. Latest Headlines 2009

  • Meristem program evaluators said Phillips Avenue is an example of how institute training helped a school make great strides. Latest Headlines 2009

  • Meristem program evaluators said Phillips Avenue is an example of how institute training helped a school make great strides. Latest Headlines 2009

  • Taken together, our results highlight four important properties of the SAM: (i) Meristem size is highly variable under different growth conditions. (ii) SC number does not strictly correlate with meristem size.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Florian Geier et al. 2008

  • Taken together, our results highlight four important properties of the SAM: (i) Meristem size is highly variable under different growth conditions. (ii) SC number does not strictly correlate with meristem size.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2008

  • Han P, Li Q, Zhu YX (2008) Mutation of Arabidopsis BARD1 Causes Meristem Defects by Failing to Confine WUSCHEL Expression to the Organizing Center.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Tim Hohm et al. 2010


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