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  • Research reveals that the likely origin of the meteor is a distant solar system called Zephir, and the hunt is on.

    Blogger News Network 2009

  • Nothing on earth, he said, should keep him from trying again; because he might as well be a "Zephir" in the dreaded "Batt d'Aff," if he could not answer the cry for help he seemed always to hear from across the desert.

    A Soldier of the Legion 1889

  • Well, then, La Queue owned one of the two large fishing smacks of Coqueville, the "Zephir," by far the best, still quite new and seaworthy.

    The Fête At Coqueville 1907 ��mile Zola 1871

  • Hours, in the warm flush of an African dawn, when the arbiter of the duel was the sole judge allowed or comprehended by the tigers of the tricolor, and to aim a dead shot or to receive one was the only alternative left, as the challenging eyes of "Zephir" or "Chasse-Marais" flashed death across the barriere, in a combat where only one might live, though the root of the quarrel had been nothing more than a toss too much of brandy, a puff of tobacco smoke construed into insult, or a fille de joie's maliciously cast fire-brand of taunt or laugh.

    Under Two Flags 1839-1908 Ouida 1873

  • My favorite rose is the soliflore Zephir de Rose by Parfums Rosine- it's just such a gorgeous vintage, all on its own.

    Andy Tauer Une Rose Chypre: Perfume Review and a Prize Draw Marina Geigert 2009

  • Zephir manages to entertain them brilliantly, telling stories, dressing as a clown and doing tricks, and playing waltzes and polkas on his violin.

    The Royal Family Lurie, Alison 2004

  • Arthur is the impulsive adolescent cousin, and Zephir the monkey his mischievous friend.

    The Royal Family Lurie, Alison 2004

  • The Wully-Wully is so totally lovable and desirable that he is kidnapped by Rataxes and imprisoned in the city of the rhinos, from which he has to be rescued by Zephir.

    The Royal Family Lurie, Alison 2004

  • In Jean de Brunhoff's Babar and Zephir (1936), the Republic of the Monkeys is ruled by a president, General Huc.

    The Royal Family Lurie, Alison 2004

  • "Aye, truly, my lord," he answered, "but, since it were an impossible feat to get so much as a colt into the Zephir, methinks thou hast a gift of thine own to bestow on yonder pretty Indian maid!"

    Their Mariposa Legend; a romance of Santa Catalina


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