
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of bonk.


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  • I've also made the amateur mistake of packing too little food for the afternoon's ride, and find myself dangerously close to reaching what serious endurance athletes call "bonking"—a state of overwhelming fatigue that occurs when the body's glycogen stores become seriously depleted.

    Alpine Cycling Without (Much) Pain William Launder 2011

  • Since "bonking" is a requirement of the "epic ride", wouldn't consuming enough pastries and brie be the best remedy?

    All You Riders Flog My Product: Epics in the Service of Publicity BikeSnobNYC 2009

  • Group 3 - good training program, what to eat, how to stay motivated, music to keep you going, avoiding injury, swimming tips, how to not look like a drowning rat in the water, biking tips, running tips, avoiding "bonking"

    Writing Non-fiction Part 3 Jaime Theler 2008

  • Calm prevailed and participants of the 2 hour long, mile and a half quest eventually went their separate ways, reassured that "bonking" on the ride home was unlikely. » Front Page 2009

  • For you, "bonking" no longer has a sexual connotation.

    Spence Smith - Connecting People To The World Of Travel, Fitness, Culture and Blogging 2008

  • Little did I know that in other parts of the Universe "bonking" means being fucked really hard and fast.

    Archive 2001-08-01 Torill 2001

  • Little did I know that in other parts of the Universe "bonking" means being fucked really hard and fast.

    thinking with my fingers Torill 2001

  • The pace was fast, but not so fast that I had to worry about bonking.

    The Trails of Redmond « PubliCola 2010

  • State Farm says your chances of bonking a deer there in a one-year period is 1 in 39.

    Uncategorized Blog Posts 2010

  • Among them is the monarch of horror, Stephen King, who may not have realised when he wrote in his new novel 11.22.63 "she leaned back and her head bonked on the door", that bonking has a more ribald meaning in the UK.Haruki Murakami, author of the 1Q84 trilogy, might also have thought better of calling one of his female characters Fukaeri.

    Bad sex awards: the contenders for a night at the In and Out 2011

  • “Bonking” — a term athletes often use — “is when you use up all of your carbohydrate stores in your muscles,” says Tjoelker.

    The Very Best Electrolyte Powders and Mixes DripDrop 2024


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  • Never heard of your definitions - it means having sex - as in "they were bonking away like rabbits" etc

    December 4, 2009

  • We've always said boinking, not bonking for sex. If you hit someone on the head, say with a rubber mallet, à la whack-a-mole, that would be bonking. Remember Little Bunny Foo-Foo?

    Little Bunny Foo-Foo

    Walking through the for - est

    Picking up the field mice

    And bonking them on the head.

    December 4, 2009

  • Especially when you do it to avocadoes.

    December 4, 2009

  • I always thought Little Bunny Foo Foo bopped instead of bonked.

    December 4, 2009

  • It's bopping, not bonking, in the earworm now playing here.

    December 4, 2009

  • You're right -- It IS bopped!

    *bonks self on head*

    December 4, 2009