
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Tastelessness; vapidness; insipidity.
  • noun The state of being flashy; ostentatious gaudiness.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The quality of being flashy.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The quality of being flashy

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun tasteless showiness


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  • The flashiness is falling apart like a cheap dollar store trinket.

    Indiana and North Carolina: Where basketball and politics meet 2008

  • What we need to start considering are ways to control 'flashiness' -- or large amounts of stormwater runoff -- coming from stormwater system lagoons. "

    Island Packet: Home 2010

  • From a eugenic point of view it would be well could such intellectual accomplishments weigh even more heavily with the average young man, and less weight be put on such superficial characteristics as "flashiness," ability to use the latest slang freely, and other "smart" traits which are usually considered attractive in a girl, but which have no real value and soon become tiresome.

    Applied Eugenics Paul Popenoe 1933

  • Although it has more of a documentary feel overall, as you've mentioned, I did see a bit of that Hitchcock "flashiness" every now and then.

    unknown title 2009

  • But the grit and flashiness that attract singles to New York, Los Angeles and Miami aren't necessarily what parents look for in a place to settle down.

    The Best Small Cities To Raise A Family Francesca Levy 2010

  • But the grit and flashiness that attract singles to New York, Los Angeles and Miami aren't necessarily what parents look for in a place to settle down.

    The Best Small Cities To Raise A Family Francesca Levy 2010

  • The cooler—Sheffield-plated silver, not solid silver—speaks to the era's resistance to flashiness.

    Washington Chilled Here: A Wine Cooler's Tale Ellen Gamerman 2011

  • But the grit and flashiness that attract singles to New York, Los Angeles and Miami aren't necessarily what parents look for in a place to settle down.

    The Best Small Cities To Raise A Family Francesca Levy 2010

  • Kaymer is not the flashiest player but then flashiness never won a tournament.

    Hunter Mahan quells the Blue Monster to emerge as the early leader 2011

  • While Nigeria is clearly an undeveloped country, here it attempts to hide behind flashiness.

    Tamar Abrams: Abuja, Nigeria: Happy to Leave Tamar Abrams 2011


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  • The flashiness of a stream reflects how quickly flow in a river or stream increases and decreases during a storm.

    April 11, 2022