
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Same as frap, 1.
  • noun A company; a crowd; a multitude; a rabble; a mob.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun obsolete A crowd, a rabble.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun obsolete A crowd, a rabble.
  • noun Internet slang An act of using another person's Facebook account to post derogatory messages.
  • verb Internet slang To hijack, and meddle with, someone's Facebook account while it is unattended.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Compare frap.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Blend of Facebook and rape


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  • Late that evening, when the household supposed him to be in bed, the boy crept down through the moonlit garden to the dinghy which Billy had left on its frape under the cliff.

    The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • Through this ring, no man forbidding him, Mr. Hosken had run a frape, on which he kept his blue boat, now leased to

    Shining Ferry Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • He jumped down from the table and led the way downstairs, and through some very rickety back premises to the quay door, where his boat lay moored to a frape.

    The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • They found the gig moored there on a frape, dragged her to shore, and tumbled in.

    News from the Duchy Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • On the frape at the alley's end his ferryboat lay moored as he had left it.

    Shining Ferry Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • Having, with some difficulty, found the frape, I made the boat fast.

    The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch 1903

  • Developments in technology are reflected in words such as "frape", which mixes the words Facebook and rape to refer to the altering of information on a person's profile on the social networking site without their permission.

    The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed 2011

  • I have been thus particular in the description of these frape-boats because of the use they may be of in any places where a great sea falls in upon the shore: as it does especially in many open roads in the East and West Indies; where they might therefore be very serviceable; but I never saw any of them there.

    A Voyage to New Holland William Dampier 1683

  • At the landing-place there lies a frape-boat, as our seamen call it, to take in the salt.

    A Voyage to New Holland William Dampier 1683

  • Without such a frape-boat here is but bad landing at any time: for though it is commonly very smooth in the road, yet there falls a great sea on the shore, so that every ship that comes here should have such a boat, and bring or make or borrow one of the other ships that happen to be here; for the inhabitants have none.

    A Voyage to New Holland William Dampier 1683


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