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  • People who want to something to be done, or are ordering something to be done, which will be done at some point anyway, but who want the executors to get a move on, have adopted the locution "sooner rather than later" to describe what they're after: "we should file the thingum sooner rather than later in order to frobnicate the geezer", or whatever.

    waste 2008

  • People who want to something to be done, or are ordering something to be done, which will be done at some point anyway, but who want the executors to get a move on, have adopted the locution "sooner rather than later" to describe what they're after: "we should file the thingum sooner rather than later in order to frobnicate the geezer", or whatever.

    waste 2008


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  • to manipulate or adjust; to tweak the controls

    May 22, 2024