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It is by fubmiffion to the law that you are to find your liberty fecured, the deflrudlion of fa£lion accomplifhed, and the conclufion of your miferies.
A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying on by Great Britain ... 1797
By coming for - ward at this moment with prudence and with order, with a fubmiffion which \yifdom didtates to every people to their eftablilhed government, but with a firmnefs which at the fame time re -
A View of the Causes and Consequences of the Present War with France Thomas Erskine Erskine 1797
It has demonftrated thata defire to reform abufes in government is not at all cpnne&ed with difloyaky to its eftablifhment, and that the reftoration of a free conftitution by the wif - dom and fpirit of a nation has no alliance with but, on the contrary, is utterly abhorrent to a fubmiffion to foreign force.
A View of the Causes and Consequences of the Present War with France 1797
Guided by the ferocious Engliih, he receiver their gold and contempt as the price of his fubmiffion, and of the blood of. his bravcft warrfors.
A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying on by Great Britain ... 1797
Such faith, obedi - ence, and fubmiffion, as he often exercifed, could not be maintained, without prayer.
Twenty four sermons on various useful subjects Williams, Nehemiah, 1748-1796 1797
At length, the mailer took him afide, and. after feveral ob - fervations on the inftability of human affairs, the fuddennefs of death, the neceflity of fubmiffion to Providence, and inefficacy of forrow, told him, that his parents were no more.
Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays, and Poetical Fragments,: Tending to Amuse ... 1797
At Lanark they renewed the covenant, and publillied their ma - nifcfto; where they profeiTed their fubmiffion to the king, and only defired the re-eilabliftiment of prefby - tery, and of their former minifters.
Upon the moft palpable convidion that thofe paffions have a predominant afcendancy over their different fubjeds, I prefume to urge the confiftency of rendering the animal obedient to the will, by fuch methods as are calculated more to acquire his fubmiffion than excite his anger; or, in other words, to ac - complifh the bufinefs more by gentle means than coercive exertions.
He obliged the French king to grant him peace on rea - fonable terms; he expelled all pretenders to the fo - vereign ty; and he reduced his turbulent barons to pay fubmiffion to his authority, and to fufpend their mutual animofities.
The history of England : from the invasion iof Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688 ... 1796
And upon the introdud: ion of fuch additions, and a perfeverance in the alteration ibr a proper length of time, fhould the whole mafs prove fo virulently corrupted as to difplay no fign of fubmiffion to fuch treatment, there can be no doubt but death would put a very deiirable period to the bufinefs, and had much better be folicited than rejected.
TankHughes commented on the word fubmiffion
long s spelling of submission
October 9, 2016