
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The throat; hence, what comes from the throat, as voice, utterance, or saying.
  • noun A narrow valley; a hollow between hills.
  • noun A ditch; a small stream.
  • noun A flood-gate; a sluice.
  • noun An obsolete spelling of goal.
  • noun An obsolete form of jowl.


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  • OE - gâl I. n. lust, luxury, wantonness, folly, levity. II. adj. gay, light, wanton, Bo, BH: proud, wicked. 'gole'

    This is a cognate with German "geil" as shown in ME:

    Gal, adj. lascivious, S; gole, pl., MD.—AS. gál; cp. OHG. geil

    September 8, 2011