
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In golf, the gutta-percha ball.
  • See gutté.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective (Her.) Charged or sprinkled with drops.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Gutsy; brave.
  • adjective heraldry Charged or sprinkled with drops.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Latin gutta ("drop (of a liquid)"). Compare French goutte. Compare guttated.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

gut +‎ -y


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  • Instead of going down and staying there, the wide receiver hopped several times to get open and made a diving catch in the middle of the field- a play that many described as gutty and was one of the team's highlights on its way to the AFC championship game.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed DENNIS WASZAK Jr. 2011

  • Instead of going down and staying there, the wide receiver hopped several times to get open and made a diving catch in the middle of the field- a play that many described as gutty and was one of the team's highlights on its way to the AFC championship game.

    The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed DENNIS WASZAK Jr. 2011

  • Friedgen called Robinson's performance "gutty" even though he missed several open receivers, because he repeatedly scrambled to avoid pass rushers.

    Maryland football falls to West Virginia, 31-17 2010

  • Not to mention that all this moaning and groaning overshadows an impressive comeback, the kind of gutty rally can build off for Wednesday's critical game against Algeria, which drew with

    Yahoo! News: Top Stories 2010

  • Clinton Portis's tenure in Washington will be remembered for many things: gutty playoff runs, ridiculous costumes, and spellbinding radio interviews, among others.

    Portis goes out with a [redacted] 2011

  • It would be hard for him to lead a gutty playoff run or don a ridiculous costume on the day he was released, but he was up for one more fantastic radio appearance.

    Portis goes out with a [redacted] 2011

  • His team honored his memory with a gutty win on the road against the Houston Texans, in which they intercepted Matt Schaub's potential game winning pass despite apparently having just 10 men on the field.

    Best NFL Pictures From Week 5 The Huffington Post 2011

  • Fortunately, the gritty, plucky, scrappy, gutty scrapgutter is one of the subjects of the ever-awesome Hockey Diaries documentary series, which meant producer Gemma Hooley spent some time chatting with Hendricks about the deal.

    Matt Hendricks on signing his contract 2011

  • His team honored his memory with a gutty win on the road against the Houston Texans, in which they intercepted Matt Schaub's potential game winning pass despite apparently having just 10 men on the field.

    Best NFL Pictures From Week 5 The Huffington Post 2011

  • The Cardinals were just 1 for 11 with runners in scoring position through the first eight innings, wasting another gutty postseason performance from starter Chris Carpenter.

    Rangers Are One Win From World Series Title Matthew Futterman 2011


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  • Sprinkled with drops?

    October 8, 2015