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  • South Africa also has two key hotels under the name hakuna matata brand.

    Muti 2009

  • AVATAR is a work of clichéd, boring, hakuna matata crap.

    James Cameron Tells Peter Jackson He Would Rather Use CG Instead of Building Titanic’s Set Today | /Film 2009

  • If you come to Kenya, this is one of the most popular songs you will here (SPEAKING KENYAN) And they're saying hakuna matata, no problem.

    CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2009 2009

  • And you say “Hakuna shida,” one of the Tanzanian forms of hakuna matata- no problem, no worries.

    Patience is a virtue Liv 2009

  • And you say “Hakuna shida,” one of the Tanzanian forms of hakuna matata- no problem, no worries.

    Archive 2009-02-01 Liv 2009

  • A Swahili phrase most people recognize meaning "there are no worries," hakuna matata is a good reminder to simply relax and let the wind carry me where it will.

    Archive 2008-09-01 Liv 2008

  • I felt foolish and weak, but at least I was feeling something other than the comfortable numbness that settles in after too many forced hakuna matatas.

    E. A. Hanks: The Ebb and Flow of Fear 2008

  • A Swahili phrase most people recognize meaning "there are no worries," hakuna matata is a good reminder to simply relax and let the wind carry me where it will.

    Green, Yellow, Black, and Blue Liv 2008

  • No wonder Zanzibar's unofficial motto is "hakuna matata" — Swahili for "no problem."

    Island Spice 2007

  • Kiswahili words of the entry (courtesy of The Lion King): rafiki (friend), simba (lion), hakuna matata (don't have worries - but its not really used that much here, hamna shida is a more proper way of saying it)

    Archive 2004-12-01 Michelle 2004


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