
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The part or region remote from a central district, as of a city or town.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To form an outskirt; skirt or run along the border of.
  • noun A section or part that skirts, runs, or lies along the edge or boundary of a specified area; a border or border region; a purlieu: used chiefly in the plural: as, the outskirts of a forest or of a town; the outskirts of science.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A part remote from the center, and near the outer edge; border; -- usually in the plural.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun a more remote part of a town or city; the periphery, environs; a suburb

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a part of the city far removed from the center


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  • Mohammad Sajjad/Associated Press A displaced child, whose family fled from the Khyber tribal region due to military operations, held onto her mother while waiting to register at the Jalozai camp on the outskirt of Peshawar, Pakistan, on Monday.

    Asia in Pictures 2011

  • Whenever there is a free weekend, day that I don't have to be up early in the morning, I take off to my debris hut in the woods of the outskirt of the town.

    Best survival shelter? 2009

  • On Thursday morning, the Indonesian Anti-Terrorism Special Unit Densus 88 was reported to be in the middle of shoot-out with a small Islamic hardliner group at the outskirt of Solo, Central Java.

    Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Most wanted man confirmed dead 2009

  • On a recent Monday night in a working-class outskirt of Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Malafaia told some 3,000 worshippers spilling out of the aisles of his Assembly of God church that Ms. Rousseff had switched her abortion stance.

    Brazil Vote's Winners: Evangelicals John Lyons 2010

  • Whenever there is a free weekend, day that I don't have to be up early in the morning, I take off to my debris hut in the woods of the outskirt of the town.

    Best survival shelter? 2009

  • On Thursday, police say, 23-year-old Wellington Oliveira talked his way into his former elementary school in a working-class western outskirt of Rio de Janeiro and opened fire with at least one of two revolvers he carried.

    Brazil Mourns the 12 Killed by Gunman John Lyons 2011

  • Dita Alangkara/Associated Press Helpers and a balloonist, right, prepared a hot air balloon for flight during the first Indonesian Hot Air Balloon Adventure in Sentul in the outskirt of Jakarta on March 26.

    Asia in Photos 2010

  • Dita Alangkara/Associated Press Helpers and a balloonist, right, prepared a hot air balloon for flight during the first Indonesian Hot Air Balloon Adventure in Sentul in the outskirt of Jakarta on March 26.

    Asia in Photos 2010

  • Dita Alangkara/Associated Press Helpers and a balloonist, right, prepared a hot air balloon for flight during the first Indonesian Hot Air Balloon Adventure in Sentul in the outskirt of Jakarta on March 26.

    Asia in Photos 2010

  • Dita Alangkara/Associated Press Helpers and a balloonist, right, prepared a hot air balloon for flight during the first Indonesian Hot Air Balloon Adventure in Sentul in the outskirt of Jakarta on March 26.

    Asia in Photos 2010


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