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  • After having tasted the luxury of England and Paris, I could not have returned with satisfaction to the coarse and homely table of Madame Pavilliard; nor was her husband offended that I now entered myself as a pensionaire, or boarder, in the elegant house of Mr. De Mesery, which may be entitled to a short remembrance, as it has stood above twenty years, perhaps, without a parallel in Europe.

    Memoirs of My Life and Writings Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794 1994

  • Une autre faute a t, dans la celebre affaire du pensionaire D'Amsterdam, de rendre aux Deputs de cette Ville la

    John Adams diary 34, 5 -- 26 October 1782 1961

  • In the other half, a traiteur sends in the dinner; or if a bachelor, the master of the house dines at a _table d'hôte_, as a _pensionaire_.

    Travels in France during the years 1814-15 Comprising a residence at Paris, during the stay of the allied armies, and at Aix, at the period of the landing of Bonaparte, in two volumes. Archibald Alison 1829

  • After having tasted the luxury of England and Paris, I could not have returned with satisfaction to the coarse and homely table of Madame Pavilliard; nor was her husband offended that I now entered myself as a pensionaire, or boarder, in the elegant house of

    Memoirs of My Life and Writings Edward Gibbon 1765

  • After having tasted the luxury of England and Paris, I could not have returned with satisfaction to the coarse and homely table of Madame Pavilliard; nor was her husband offended that I now entered myself as a pensionaire, or boarder, in the elegant house of

    Memoirs of My Life and Writings Edward Gibbon 1765

  • After having tasted the luxury of England and Paris, I could not have returned with satisfaction to the coarse and homely table of Madame Pavilliard; nor was her husband offended that I now entered myself as a pensionaire, or boarder, in the elegant house of

    Memoirs of My Life and Writings Edward Gibbon 1765


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  • Noun - a person employed to reduce the annual costs for care and equipment for a pensioner and to cover unforeseen expenses such as sick leave; an accountant.

    September 7, 2023