
from The Century Dictionary.

  • To found again or anew; establish on a different basis.
  • To found or cast anew.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • imp. & p. p. of refind, v. t.
  • transitive verb To found or cast anew.
  • transitive verb To found or establish again; to re�stablish.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of refind.
  • verb transitive To found again.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

re- +‎ found

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Inflected form


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  • In the latest issue of The Nation, NYU professor and Hugo Chavez sycophant Greg Grandin praises "Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela, where progressive movements are fitfully trying to 'refound' their societies along more inclusive lines."

    Reason Magazine 2010

  • In the latest issue of The Nation, NYU professor and Hugo Chavez sycophant Greg Grandin praises "Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela, where progressive movements are fitfully trying to 'refound' their societies along more inclusive lines."

    Hit & Run 2010

  • A former coca-growers union leader, Morales is Bolivia's first indigenous president and is seeking to "refound" the country on behalf of its long-suppressed native majority.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2009

  • In December 2005, Morales became Bolivia's first indigenous president, after promising to hold a Constituent Assembly that would rewrite the constitution and "refound" the Bolivian state.

    Foreign Policy In Focus 2009

  • A former coca-growers union leader, Morales is Bolivia's first indigenous president and is seeking to "refound" the country on behalf of its long-suppressed native majority.

    Charlotte Observer: * Home Page 2009

  • A former coca-growers union leader, Morales is Bolivia's first indigenous president and is seeking to "refound" the country on behalf of its long-suppressed native majority.

    Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles 2009

  • The minister also called for the end of the Bretton Woods institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and said the United Nations should host an international conference to "refound" the world's financial and monetary system.

    Caribbean Net News Daily Headlines 2009

  • Maybe the Morris tribunal was allegedly a total myth where arms and expolsives were being hidden and refound on a regular basis in Donegal.

    Officer Down (Northern Ireland) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG Inspector Gadget 2010

  • The campaign ads have been tough too, the best a refound commercial John McCain did in 2008, which calls Mr. Romney a "Masterpiece Theatre"-level flip-flopper.

    Romney Wins but Takes a Beating Peggy Noonan 2012

  • October 1, 1542 The decision is made to refound the city of Guadalajara in its present location, in the valley of Atemajac.

    Mexico this month - October 2009


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